May 2011 Moms


If your child is STTN what time do they go to bed? What time do they wake up?
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Re: STTN ?

  • She's in bed no later than 7, and sleeps until about 6:30/7.  I try to keep it consistent all 7 days of the week. 

    I should also mention, that we both work full-time schedules and have to get the kids out the door, so the 6:30/7am wake up is dictated by that. It's nice to have my kids in bed by 8 so that I can relax a bit as well.

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  • She is asleep by 8pm most nights and wakes up around 6am.

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  • imageje2161:
    She is asleep by 8pm most nights and wakes up around 6am.
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  • In bed around 7pm (plus or minus 15 minutes). Up between 6:30-7am.
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  • Lisa - What times does she nap during the day?

     We are ALMOST almost consistently all nighters but with a wake up around 530 to eat and then we sleep til 7/8ish.. Which is fine since I dont work til 12.

    Thankgoodness for crawling/pulling yourself up to tire yourself out! And thank you boys at daycare for wearing her out! ;)

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  • She naps about 2-2.5 hours from the time she wakes up.  She takes 2 naps a day, about 1-1.5 hours each.  Just this weekend, she's started staying awake a bit longer, and moving her 2nd nap until after 1pm. 
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  • Our guy goes down around 7:30p and has been waking between 5:30-6:30a.  If he wakes on the earlier side of the morning, I usually nurse him and can get him back to sleep until 7ish.  
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  • He goes to sleep about 8:30 and wakes up (for the first/only time) around 6:30.

    Two to three naps per day, anywhere from 30 minutes to 2.5 hours each.

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  • I have a question:

    How far apart are the wake times of the last nap time to their bed time? 

    DS 6.12.11

    Hypermenorrhea, Anovulatory & Hypothyroid


    My Lack of Ovulation Chart
  • Goes to bed around 7:30, sometimes 8.  Wakes up around 6.

    Naps (during the week) 8:30ish & 1:00ish.  The weekend is more varied for naps.


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  • imagekerrbear72:

    I have a question:

    How far apart are the wake times of the last nap time to their bed time? 

    Cece dropped her 3rd catnap early, but some kids need to hold onto that 20-30 min nap around 4ish to make it to bed. 

    She's now napping at about 8:30/9/9:30 and then again around 1/1:30-3, then she's up until 7:00 bed. I keep her busy with solids, then a bath (every single night) and then bottle about 6:30, snuggle and bed by 7.  DS is in bed no later than 8.  

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  • She is in bed by 6:00-6:15 at the latest--and usually asleep within 5 minutes of being put in the crib.

    She typically sleeps right until 5:30-6:30 in the am. If she gets up at 5:30, she will play in her crib for about 20-30 minutes until 6. We try not to go into her room before then. During the week, we are getting ready for work then--and usually she is happily playing by herself.

    She isn't the best napper though, although she typically will fall asleep between 10-12 and sleep for 2 hours. After that, she may cat nap in the car in the afternoon for 20/30 minutes. So many times she is up from noon until 6pm with only a 15-30 minute nap. 

    My daughter is my hero.
  • Usually between 8 and 8:30pm, but if they're really tired or haven't napped well, we'll put them down around 7:30pm. They wake up between 6-6:30am, depending on when we need to get to work/class. The only time they have issues with STTN is if they're sick. And in that case, I can't really blame them.
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  • imagekerrbear72:

    I have a question:

    How far apart are the wake times of the last nap time to their bed time? 


    B usually gets up from his afternoon between 2 and 3. Then goes to bed at 7. 

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  • ::kicking myself for opening this post::

    kerr, I thought we were doing great a few weeks ago because we were down to 2 feedings / night. Then I went out of town for a weekend, and I don't know what DH did to her, but last night she was up every 1.5 hours.

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  • imagekelly321:

    ::kicking myself for opening this post::

    kerr, I thought we were doing great a few weeks ago because we were down to 2 feedings / night. Then I went out of town for a weekend, and I don't know what DH did to her, but last night she was up every 1.5 hours.

    Oh no :( 

    Hopefully she readjusts quick! Maybe she just missed you :) 

    DS 6.12.11

    Hypermenorrhea, Anovulatory & Hypothyroid


    My Lack of Ovulation Chart
  • We start bedtime routine 6:15.  She plays in her crib, we get her bath ready (every other night).  Typically she is asleep by 6:45.  But anywhere between 6:30 and 7:30.  Lately she has been going to her crib awake, totally her choice too, since we did ferber a long time ago and abandoned when she kept getting sick.  Now she looks at her crib, and we set her down.  So it depends on how much rolling around she does. 

    She wakes up 6:30.  Anything before that and I won't get her.  Unless she is flipping out, then I give her a paci, tell her its not morning and leave (she actually goes back to sleep).  Sometimes she can sleep later, but I need her up and out by 7 during the week. 

    That said, she needs a morning nap by 8:30 usually.  We try for 2-2:30 after she woke.  Her naps are 30-50 minutes each, unless we hold her the whole time and then they are 1.5 hours.  During the week at daycare she gets 3, 30-50 min. naps.

    Her last one she usually wakes up around 3-3:30. 

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  • Looks like we're the odd balls here. Typically our day/night looks like this:

    7 a.m., wake-up; play for a bit and then a bottle.

    9 a.m., nap.

    noon, lunch and a bottle.

    1:30 or 2 nap.

    330 or 4 p.m., bottle.

    Between 530 and 630 p.m. little nap (maybe 45 min at the most).

    When ever he's up from the last nap, solids and a small bottle, then a bath and play time.

    Last bottle around 8 p.m., sometimes later. I normally stay up a bit later than DH, but DS falls asleep after the last bottle and stays asleep until 7 a.m.

    He started STTN when he was close to 4 months old I think. There was times when he would "sleep cry" and I'd just go check on him, but now he's doing better with that. Little different when he's teething or has a cold.


  • imageLisa Frank:

    She's in bed no later than 7, and sleeps until about 6:30/7.  I try to keep it consistent all 7 days of the week.   

    This exactly

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  • DS goes to bed around 8:30-8:45pm and generally is up between 6:30am-7pm. He whines a lot at night and sometimes cries out. When he is all out crying I stick paci in and he usually calms down. When he's just whining I let him go. 

    His afternoon nap is all over the place. Morning one is pretty consistent down by 9:30-10am and sleeps until maybe 11:30-12:00.  Afternoon naps are all over the place.  At times his afternoon naps go from about 2:00-3:30 then he's up for the rest of the night. 

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  • Someone teach my boy that it's okay to sleep or than 5 hours at a time.  He's a great napper, but likes to nurse in the middle of the night...
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