My cousin lives outside of Huntsville and is looking for an RE.
A little background. She spontaneous m/c'd her first pregnancy at 8 weeks, with her second pregnancy her daughter ended up being conceived with an omphalocele. It was a crazy pregnancy with a lot of risks and scariness.
She found out she was pregnant again three weeks ago and had her first u/s on Friday and it revealed that the pregnancy is a blighted ovum.
They've had all sorts of genetic testing done because of the omphalocele, but I think she should probably have sac tested after her D&C and go through an RPL panel at this time. At the very least she needs to be seeing someone more specialized at this point than a standard OB. Any recommendations would be great. TIA.
p.s. feel free to PM or email me (nikinikinine at yahoo dot com) for privacy.
Re: XP: Huntsville/Birmingham AL area RE's
Forever our's October 17th 2012
Forever our's October 17th 2012