We are mostly set on Claire as a fn; however, we have a one syllable, common last name so Ann will not work. We are considering the mn Elizabeth.
Still, I do regret not being able to use Ann. It is a family mn given to the first born girls on my mother's side. My mom and I are both first born girls, so it would be wonderful to share this with my own DD. I just can't find a fn that we both like that works with Ann. I'm thinking we need something with more than 1 syllable to balance it out.
Any suggestions? I LOVE Caroline but DH just can't get past the 2 Carolines he knows and doesn't like. Fair enough; I'm a teacher and my "NO WAY" list is certainly longer than his.
We like classic, feminine names but not anything too old sounding like Mabel. It also has to follow convential rules of spelling and be pronouncable on sight.
Thanks for ANY ideas you can share
Re: Girl FN for MN Ann?
Sara(h) Ann
Claire is really hard to fine a middle name for, IMO, so Ann isn't bad. What about Claire AnnMarie, or Claire Annabel, or something like that? Stretching the tradition, but it's still there.
So many FN work with Ann as a middle. Elizabeth Ann is a fav of mine. Rachel Ann, Charlotte Ann, Olivia Ann, Lydia Ann . . . just a few from my list that could work with Ann.
Hands down, Kendall Ann.
Say it out loud... say it fast, say it slow... It flows so nicely together.
I have an Isabella Anne....
and i think its perfect
Baby BOY is due May 23, 2014!