Cloth Diapering

Large hanging wetbag?

I know there are many questions about wet bags asked on here, and I've searched but can't find specific answers to these questions that have popped up. 

A few months ago it seemed everyone raved about the large PW hanging wet bag, so I had registered for one, but in the last wet bag post a couple days ago it seemed that people didn't like the PW, say the zipper is difficult to use and that they don't contain odors..... I already have a rumparooz large hanging wetbag but would like to order another one for laundry day to alternate. I am planning to hang on the door knob.

Since reading the negative things about the PW bags I've been investigating Fuzzibunz hanging wet bags (the open top and zipper at the bottom seems convenient-- but does it really hold in odors?) or bummi's large wet bags (these have a zipper and a drawstring-- is it a pain to hang it using the drawstring?). Or if you have another suggestion I would love to hear it!

Any advice you can give would be appreciated. I've spent wayyy too much time tonight thinking about wet bags! Thanks!!!

Re: Large hanging wetbag?

  • Can't help with the other kinds but I have a PW hanging that I am not overly impressed with.  It is a main to restuff the liner in the .outer bag after every wash.

    I can say about smell since my diaper room always has flip cover drying in it so I don't know which smells

    I bought it for size and zipper.  Haven't had problems with the zipper but you do need two hands for it

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  • I used Monkey Foot Design wet bags.  IMO the quality is better compared to my planetwise one.  The liner is procare, so its much thicker/sturdier.  If I put a wet (been swished in the toilet) dipe in my PW bag, it feels damp after a day, where as my MFD one doesnt.


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  • I haven't had issues with my PW bag but my wet, sprayed poopy diapers go in a pail with a liner and not in the zippered bag. I have the Bummis small draw string one for my diaper bag and it stinks! I wouldnt recommend that one at all - it leaks and doesn't hold odors. I also have a blueberry wetbag for my diaper bag and that is my favorite - doesn't leak and holds in odors well. Maybe check out that one as well.
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  • I have several planet wise hanging wet sacks.  I haven't had problems with them.  I dried my first two for the first year of use which did wear out the pull some but they still work.  I don't have many problems getting the pull back into the cloth.  I just stuff it in and shake it and it settles down to the bottom.   I would love to try MFD because I have heard great things about them.
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  • I have two of the FuzziBunz hanging bags and love them. I hang them in the bathroom so I don't notice odor much. They are super easy to put a diaper in since the top is always open. The zipper on the bottom makes it super easy to unload the diapers into the wash as well. They have held up great, been using them for a little over a year now. I usually hang dry it once it comes out of the wash.
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