Oh the joys of having a SIL that is nearly 15 yrs younger than us. She is obsessed with birthing and being the "perfect" mother and doula. She often calls herself a kickass cloth diapering au natural Mom........blah blah. Most days I can take it but as she is 5 mths PG now the baby drama is pumping up. As lots of you can relate, I want to be happy for them and want to be a part of their joy but I just can't. I feel like I need to pull back. All of this ambivalence is due to a FB message I got from the SIL. We are invited to a Reveal Party...where they will let everyone know the sex of the baby. It is just family and I would be missed if I were a no-show but damn it I don't want to go!!!!!!! I kind of thought that with this being their second child the "parties" would be at a minimum......
TTC since 2009
very frustrated 42yr and DH 40
5 cycles of Clomid with satisfactory response=BFN's
Fibroid removal Nov2010
IUI Clomid #1 Feb 2011...BFN..damn it!
IUI Inject's #2 Apr 2011...CANCELLED...low estradiol
IUI Inject's #3 June 2011...BFN
IUI Inject's #4 Sept2011...BFFN
Lap Dec 2011...severe endo..cyst removed..some remains...
IVF#1 Apr 2012 ....cancelled due to over suppression
IVF#2 July 2012....6 follies...only 1 retrieved....BFFN
surgery suggested to move ovary to an better placement but....we moved two time zones away and are financially and emotionally empty
Re: not rubbing it in but it feels like it
That stinks! Maybe you can fake a headache the day of the RP.
Seriously though, I feel your pain. My SIL (10 years younger than I) is at 7 months, and it's been pretty much the only topic of conversation with DH's family ever since she peed on the stick. Today is her shower and will have to try my hardest not to appear too depressed. I am truly happy for her, but really can't help not wanting to talk about it, hear about it, think about it.
Long story short, I understand. Words of wisdom? I have none, except maybe this: try to smile. And when you can't, change the conversation , or take a bathroom break. My in-laws probably think I have a bladder control problem by now, haha!
Beat stage 4 Hodgkins Lymphoma May 2011, YEAH!!!
BFP 3/30/12, with fingers and toes all crossed.
AMA (37) + GD = HR, grr.
EDD 12.12.12
That's rough. I'm also shocked that they are having a "Reveal " party when this is their second. But then again these parties have gotton really popular lately and they probably thought it would be fun.
I have skipped many baby showers but the ones I HAD to go too were tough...won't lie. Very nerveracking. If this was my SIL I would have to go since it would be family but then again not sure what DH would say. Don't know how your DH would feel if you faked being sick. Good Luck in your decision.
@Addicted...good luck to you today
ME:46 MH:44 DE IVF 2014
Met with RE 4/11. 2 IUI's BFN. DE best option. Switched clinics to do "shared" program. Had to retake all tests and a mamm that put me behind and then on a DE waiting list for 12 months. Picked a donor!! (10/13/13) Got matched. Estimated transfer in December. After 2.5 years of patiently waiting I will finally cycle....can hardly believe it. DE cycle got cancelled. One of her tests came back positive. Waiting for another donor. Donor picked!! (1/18/14)
DE IVF #1 (4/26) BFN DE FET #1 (6/4) BFP! Beta 1=339 Beta 2=852 Beta 3=9957 EDD 2/22/15!!
I have never heard of a reveal party..is it like a pre cursor to a baby shower? Wow. It just sounds so self involved. Look at me! I am having a baby! It's the best thing that has ever happened to the world so come to my party and reinforce that I am the center of the Universe!
Sorry.. feeling a little more bitter than usual today..
I would think that your SIL would be a little more careful with you.. I mean is she completely in the dark about your IF? I am so sorry..
This is really good advice!
SIL's shower wasn't too bad, but I caught many of MIL's friends & family members checking out my midsection to see if there was anything going on there.
Beat stage 4 Hodgkins Lymphoma May 2011, YEAH!!!
BFP 3/30/12, with fingers and toes all crossed.
AMA (37) + GD = HR, grr.
EDD 12.12.12