Two Under 2

Kids sharing a bath

Should siblings share a bath? Do you think there is a set age when a brother and sister should no longer bathe together?
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Re: Kids sharing a bath

  • My 2 share a bath.  I have no plans to stop any time soon - they love taking a bath together.  When they get older, I will think about it - maybe school age?
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  • Both do and will for a while but mine are all boys. They love bath time together
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  • Mine don't just yet because DD2 is too little but they will!  I think they should be able to bathe together until they express an interest in having their own bath or they're too big to fit in the tub together and have play space.  :)

    I know I bathed with my brother but I don't remember it.  I do remember taking a bath while my brother was in the bathroom talking to me and visa versa so I must have been a little older.  I do remember there was a point when I didn't want my brother in there with me anymore - I wanted my privacy.  That must have been when I was old enough to bathe alone.  

    A body is a body and we shouldn't sexualize it.  I think it helps promote self confidence if it doesn't matter if your sibling sees you naked but if it becomes taboo for your own brother / sister to see you naked you may be more self conscious about your body.  Yes, I'm blowing hot air but those are my 2 cents. 

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  • imagelaura1:
    My 2 share a bath.  I have no plans to stop any time soon - they love taking a bath together.  When they get older, I will think about it - maybe school age?


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  • My experience has been that you'll know when to stop.

    First they started asking questions about each other's anatomy and that was fine with us but when they started trying to touch despite being asked not to we knew it was time for separate baths.


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  • imageDaisy22:
    Both do and will for a while but mine are all boys. They love bath time together

    This! :) 

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  • I bathe mine together. We will just stop when it doesn't feel right or if one of them requests to bathe separately.

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