Trouble TTC

TTC advice from MIL

Both mine and DH's parents know about our struggles and know pretty much everything.  A little background to help this story- DH's parents were married for 10 years before they had him, but my FIL already had 3 kids from a previous marriage, so MIL always thought something was wrong with her, even though they never had ANY formal testing.

The following conversation took place last night between DH and MIL:
MIL:  How's everything going?
DH:  Well, it's too early to know anything yet, we're just kind of waiting for now to see how we did this month.
MIL:  Now, I don't want to gross you out, but I want to tell you something that really helped me.  I was so worried that something was wrong with me because your dad already had 3 kids and we just weren't getting pregnant.  I would read and research everything I could get my hands on to try to figure this out.  Then one day, I found this article that said if a woman props her hips up after intercourse, gravity will work in your favor.  And I'll tell you what!  I did that, and I got pregnant that month!!!

Well, thanks, MIL.  I guess we can now stop paying for Clomid and the other meds I've been prescribed, because apparently all I need to do is prop up my hips!  MYSTERY SOLVED!!!!


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Re: TTC advice from MIL

  • That's awesome.

    My MIL told me, in front of 10 people (all young mothers/family), "Don't despair, it will happen someday, you just need to relax" and we weren't event talking about me or our TTC!

    MILs are really special sometimes. 

    TTC #1 2+ Years with Unexplained IF
    1st & Only BFP: 1st IVF w/ ICSI, 3dt of 2 7-cell, grade 2 embryos on 8/25/12
    Beta #1 9/5: 87.2 BFP! - Beta #2 9/7: 248 - 1st US @ 6w3d Two Heartbeats! - MoDi Girls!
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  • Oh God.  That's even better.  MILs are very special.
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  • UGH.  That is all.
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  • That's very special.  I'm sorry.  
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  • Ha, it's okay.  Luckily DH is smart enough to have held his own in responding to it without offending MIL, who genuinely thought she was helping.
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  • This is one of the reasons DH is not allowed to talk to MIL about our problems. She doesn't think before she speaks. And has the biggest mouth I've ever seen.
  • Really, she read everything she could get her hands on and it led to THAT revelation?!  How helpful.....
    Dx: LPD, late ovulation;
     July 2012:IUI #6 on 7/28, BFP on 8/9,beta 97, 8/11 189, 8/13 400!!   DS born 4/18!
    9/30/13 - Miracle BFP, released from RE 10/21, EDD 6/6/14, DD born 5/27!
    6/19/16 - Miracle BFP, EDD 2/25/17


  • I guess the Bump wasn't around back then. I'm sure she meant well :)
    DH and I are Americans living an adventure in Kenya since 2011
    DX: PCOS (annovulatory)
    Feb 2012: IUI #1 w/ only 1M sperm and a single follie = BFP! 
    Nov 2012: Little buddy born in Kenya
    Nov 2013: Trying for a second, still w PCOS
    Dec 2013: IUI cycle canceled for non-response
    Jan 2014: Break cycle BFP!

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  • My ILs are great about unsolicited advice and they're also fond of leaving young nieces/nephews with me for "practice." My MIL also told me over Christmas that if I had kids, I would know how to cook. ::headdesk::

    We have seriously considered not telling them for several months when we get KU, just to avoid the "helpful" comments and to ensure that I don't get left with all 5 of the nieces/nephews under age 10 for practice.  

    Started TTC in June 2008. Not bothering any more.

    Bonafide thread killah
  • imaged3esika:
    Really, she read everything she could get her hands on and it led to THAT revelation?!  How helpful.....



    TTC since September 2009.

    IVF #2: +HPT 2/6/12! ~ Boy/Girl Twins!!

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  • Someone gave me that same advice at a Christmas party this year.  I responded by laughing and saying I gave up on that 3 months into TTC. 
    Brandon Le born 9/9/13 as a result of IVF#1

  • I bet your DH appreciated that visual.  My ILs know nothing about our IF problems...yet, figured we should tell them when we start the IVF process.  When talking to my mom about it, she said she knew we were going to have problems because her psychic told her...also she told me to not let my one sister in law be my surrogate.  Indifferent  ( own mom...)
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  • imageNiki64:
    I bet your DH appreciated that visual.  My ILs know nothing about our IF problems...yet, figured we should tell them when we start the IVF process.  When talking to my mom about it, she said she knew we were going to have problems because her psychic told her...also she told me to not let my one sister in law be my surrogate.  Indifferent  ( own mom...)

    Oh my!  That's a new one!  Yikes!

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  • oh, wow. guess we all just need to try propping ourselves up a little higher?
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