Hello all I had high hopes for this month (first month using Clomid). I guess being a couple days late gave me a HUGE amount of hope. But with a negative test and a slow then picked up period its off to month number 2 of Clomid. Had a couple of fun signs that give me hope that its this month. And if we do get to conceive this month the due date would be my birthday hahahaha .... So here we go here we go here we go!
Re: Off to another month :)
Me:40 AMA, DH:36 0% morph, TTC#1;
BFP#1 4/2011, MMC 6/2011 11wks Trisomy 13;
BFP#2 11/2011, CP
FSH: 17.9, AMH: 2.2
IVF#1 w/ICSI: ER 4/3: 5R,4M,4F
ET 4/6 All 4 (1-8A+, 2-8A-, 1-3A) BFP#3
Two weeks of beta hell = Blighted Ovum
IVF#2 Aug/Sept: ER 8/27: 4R,3M,3F
ET 8/30 (1-8A+, 1-6A+)
Beta#1 9/10: 350; Beta#2 9/12: 796; Beta#3 9/20: 9155
Expecting Boy/Girl Twins! My babies were born 4/23/13 at 36w1d!