Cincinnati Babies

Check in post. What is new with you?

I have been a slacker on the check ins.  What is new with you? How is your TTC journey going?  If you are pg, when are you due, and how are you doing?  If you have kids, what are they doing now?  Let's all say hi and give an update. 

If you are new here, you are welcome to jump in and post away.  This board has turned into lurker land, and there are lots of seasoned mamas who lurk more than they post that can answer your questions.  I am happy to get to know all of our new people.  This is a low drama place.  Feel safe to post all you want in here. 

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Re: Check in post. What is new with you?

  • I need to change my profile photo.  That was 8 months ago.  My girl is moving up to the older preschool room next week.  I am so bittersweet in feelings about that.  I love her teachers, and she does too.  But her best friends moved up in the previous months, so she is happy to go be with them.  Next step is pre K in August.  I no longer have a baby in my home.  :(  We are doing dance classes, and adding gymnastics.  In the summer we will do swim, and soccer in the fall.  She loves moving...all the time.  I hope I can keep up.
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  • It is crazy how time flys...G will be 6 months old on 2-20.  Seems like just yesterday I POSS and found out I was PG.  He got his two front bottom teeth and while that was going on he also had an ear infection and cold.  Poor little guy was a mess and mommy did not get much sleep at all.  I DO NOT like the being sick part.  He seems to be doing better today is the last day of his meds so I hope he will be back to 100% soon.  I wanted to start swim leasons but now I am thinking I will wait till spring because I am not sure I want to have him in the warm pool area and then have to take him out into the cold.  I am looking for a Mommy and Me group for little ones that meets on the weekend if anyone knows any. 

    For me I had an interview on Tues this week...the job would be much better pay, insurance and they would pay for me to take some classes once I am there 6 months.  The problem is the hours.  They are open till 730 so being the manager I would have to stay at least two nights a week (what the doc told me in the interview) they are also open on Sat and the office Manger routes in with the front desk girls.  While I think that is aweome I really do not want to give up my Sat with little man.  He will be grown and not want to spend time with mommy soon enough.  Also working on the wedding planning...its killin me!  Anyone have any ideas send them my way!!! 

     Hello and welcome to all the newbies!  This board is pretty dead anymore but the ladies here are awesome!!!!!!  :)

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  • I agree that it is CRAZY how time flies! Lucas will be 18 months old on the 20th, & I just keep wondering where in the heck time is going!! He is growing into such a little man & I love seeing his personality develop as he gets older. He is talking so much now &  I love being able to communicate with him more & more each day. My little guy is getting too big too quickly though (AKA, I'm having some major baby fever lately)!! =)

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  • Okay so I am new here but here goes.

    I have a daughter who is 3 and I am currently pregnant with Baby #2 (coming this September). I mainly only post on the September 2012 board but I would love to start posting here too!

    And for me right now all I can say is Thank Goodness IT IS Friday!!!!!! I am ready to be off work.  I want to be outside - and it's February 3...Crazy!


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  • I'm in the home stretch of this pregnancy and beginning to remember the ugly side of it.  But I'm still very happy to be pregnant, soooo ready for a maternity leave, and can't wait to see how DS does with his baby sister.  I'm just not really ready to meet her... just yet.  :)

    For those who have followed our speech woes, DS is now speaking in sentences and has made incredible progress in the last 6 months.  It's astounding.  He has such a sense of humor and brings such joy to our lives!

  • DD is getting so big so fast, it really is true that time flies! She is crawling and cruising all over the place. My favorite thing about her right now is the fact that she loves food. Whatever we stick in front of her she just eats it up. DH shared his salmon with her the other night for dinner and she just could not get enough. I myself am a picky eater, so I am keeping my fingers crossed that she stays this way! 

    P.S. If anyone has any suggestions on how to get my ticker removed so that I am no longer 82 weeks pregnant, I'll take them! I have emailed the bump and they said they could not see where it says this :/ 

  • imageKiki's first:

    P.S. If anyone has any suggestions on how to get my ticker removed so that I am no longer 82 weeks pregnant, I'll take them! I have emailed the bump and they said they could not see where it says this :/ 

    1.  Click on your name on the left hand side of one of your posts.

    2.  Above your screen name, in a grey box, there is a link that says "edit my avatar and sig"

    3.  Scroll down to "forums signature"  There should be  textbox.  If you delete the ticker code, it will delete.  You should also change it to put your baby's birthdate there...  I know thebump has some, but I tend to like's better.  C&P whatever code you get for a new ticker into this box.


    That should work!

  • Thanks, I have tried this quite a few times and it is still there. I guess I'm just destined to be pregnant forever, on the bump ;)
  • Things with us are crazy as ever.  I never seem to get time to check the board and see how everyone is!

    DS#1 turned 2 yesterday.  I don't know where time goes!  Its crazy that I have a 2 year old.  We went to the doctor this morning and he checked out all good.  He is in the 50% for weight and 95% for height.  He has grown 4 inches in 6 months!!  It's crazy.

    DS#2 is now in daycare full time and doing great.  He is quite the little charmer.  He loves to laugh and smile at anyone who will talk with him.  He is 3 months today and I don't know where the time has gone!

    It's been a tough transition to get back to work, but we are starting to get into a routine now.  I just feel like we are always busy!

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