nothing more flattering to a post-partum pouch than a white dress with horizontal stripes. Pretty sure she'll be the mom with a white jacket and stilettos at the park.
The dress is situation inappropriate...she could have pulled of a way better look if she wasn't so intent on wearing that silly dress. And the posing with the baby as an accessory is interesting.
And she has a big ol' flabby post partum belly just like the rest of happens but that is why you lay low for a while and give yourself time to lose the pooch before you toss on a tight mini dress.
Haha! Wait til she gets home and the pp hormones kick in, lack of sleep, leaky boobs, screaming baby, etc.--the days of done up hair and lil white dress will be out the window. She'll be lucky if she showers or brushes her teeth by 3pm. Ahh--the joys of being a first time mom. Remember those days?!
Haha! Wait til she gets home and the pp hormones kick in, lack of sleep, leaky boobs, screaming baby, etc.--the days of done up hair and lil white dress will be out the window. She'll be lucky if she showers or brushes her teeth by 3pm. Ahh--the joys of being a first time mom. Remember those days?!
This is what I'm saying! I did not look like that leaving the hospital. I had on yoga pants and a maternity shirt. For weeks!! And I don't think I even brought make up with me.
Haha! Wait til she gets home and the pp hormones kick in, lack of sleep, leaky boobs, screaming baby, etc.--the days of done up hair and lil white dress will be out the window. She'll be lucky if she showers or brushes her teeth by 3pm. Ahh--the joys of being a first time mom. Remember those days?!
This is what I'm saying! I did not look like that leaving the hospital. I had on yoga pants and a maternity shirt. For weeks!! And I don't think I even brought make up with me.
Haha! Wait til she gets home and the pp hormones kick in, lack of sleep, leaky boobs, screaming baby, etc.--the days of done up hair and lil white dress will be out the window. She'll be lucky if she showers or brushes her teeth by 3pm. Ahh--the joys of being a first time mom. Remember those days?!
This is what I'm saying! I did not look like that leaving the hospital. I had on yoga pants and a maternity shirt. For weeks!! And I don't think I even brought make up with me.
mlm, that's because you are a normal human being. You were focused on the fact that you had a baby and just became a mom, rather than playing to your pretend papparazzi.
I can't imagine what you could possibly say that would get you in trouble. It's fairly obvious that even with the flattering angle she looks a bit like she slipped into a sausage casing.
Re: She wore the dress!! PIP
Christmas 2011
That's because is all about HER!!
Inever read her blog, so I have no reference point here...but I wish I looked that good when I left the hospital. Why isn't she tired looking??
too bad all the accessories were not cooperating for the photo op.
i mean sure newborns scream. some hate being put in carseats. the striking a pose part, ewww. that's all.
The dress is situation inappropriate...she could have pulled of a way better look if she wasn't so intent on wearing that silly dress. And the posing with the baby as an accessory is interesting.
Haha! Wait til she gets home and the pp hormones kick in, lack of sleep, leaky boobs, screaming baby, etc.--the days of done up hair and lil white dress will be out the window. She'll be lucky if she showers or brushes her teeth by 3pm. Ahh--the joys of being a first time mom. Remember those days?!
This is what I'm saying! I did not look like that leaving the hospital. I had on yoga pants and a maternity shirt. For weeks!! And I don't think I even brought make up with me.
This is what I'm saying! I did not look like that leaving the hospital. I had on yoga pants and a maternity shirt. For weeks!! And I don't think I even brought make up with me.
Must have been the lack of drugs and the hypnosis.
mlm, that's because you are a normal human being. You were focused on the fact that you had a baby and just became a mom, rather than playing to your pretend papparazzi.
LOL, I just spit water out my nose...
StepMom to P, Mama to R and E.
SAHM and weekend NICU nurse
Or it's because he can see the remnants of his arrival.....