Cloth Diapering

CD fit help

DS has special needs and struggles with very stiff muscles.

We took a CD break during my 1st tri because I was so sick and when we put him back in CD he cannot sit in them.

I've tried prefolds with wonderwraps, flats with wonderwraps, BG 4.0's, Gro-Via and Thristies AIO's.  

What are the trimmest, stretchiest diapers?  I'm thinking it's that there is so much fluff under his butt, and the pressure on his hips from the stiffness of the fabrics.  The sposies kind of stretch over his hips and really fold and bend easily while the covers, even BG hold their shape much better.  

I've thought about fitteds and a soaker but I'm worried about the fitted doing the same thing to his hips.

Any advice or am I destined to use sposies on him?  

FWIW we were using CD on him and he was unable to sit, crawl or really bend well.  During my 1st tri he had botox injections and he can now sit, crawl, etc so these problems weren't as noticeable.

To my boys:  I will love you for you Not for what you have done or what you will become I will love you for you I will give you the love The love that you never knew

Re: CD fit help

  • The flip covers with the inserts are probably our most flexible and thinnest. The absorbancy isn't awesome but it's sufficient and the bulk doesn't go onto the hips. 
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imagelwsnake:
    The flip covers with the inserts are probably our most flexible and thinnest. The absorbancy isn't awesome but it's sufficient and the bulk doesn't go onto the hips. 

    isn't the insert basically just a folded prefold?  or are you talking about the stay dry inserts?

    We have the flip covers but not the inserts since I bought them as seconds. 

    To my boys:  I will love you for you Not for what you have done or what you will become I will love you for you I will give you the love The love that you never knew
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