Hi i am deciding on which preschool for the fall to send my ds.I am considering 2,one class has 18 students,and 3 teachers,is a christian preschool,is least expensive,playground is okay,nothing great.The other one has 22 kids,3 teachers,a little more expensive,playground is terrible but not sure if they use a different one possibly,there's one a little farther down,will find out tomorrow when i go visit.They have lots of activities they do with the kids and a lot for the parents to be involved with the kids.I'm so confused ,i guess i will hopefully know by tomorrow ,but maybe u can tell me which 1 u would pick.They both come highly recommended,i just don't know,and they both are filling up fast so i need to make my decision soon.Let me know what u think.Thanks!!!
Re: Preschool help!!!
i would always go for smaller ratio's
the one your looking at tomorrow sounds like the best with all the activities and parent participation that sounds promising
Hi -- lurker from school aged kids board.
This is a tough decision, isn't it!?
When my DD was 2, and I was looking at 3 y/o preschool programs for her, the thing I felt made the most difference was the teachers.
At a few schools the teachers seemed burnt out and bored, and those schools were obviously not where I wanted DD to go. At other schools, the teachers just seemed like caregivers. They were just nice, soft, warm, loving bodies -- but not really teachers.
I wound up choosing one of the cheaper schools I looked at. Their facilities were nothing special, but the teachers seemed really professional. They were dedicated experts at teaching 3 and 4 year olds. My kids had a great preschool experience, and I was really thankful I chose that particular school.
I say go with the school where you really feel like the teachers are fantastic.