I am trying to get my girls to sleep in their cribs so that my hubby and I can actually sleep in bed together. Right now they sleep in the living room in their swings. When he gets home from work I usually make dinner and then go to bed and then he wakes me up at 11 when I come and sleep on the couch and he goes to bed until 4 am when he has to get ready for work. It's getting very old fast. Their pedi told us at the last visit that if they are fed, changed, and not sick or anything then to just let them cry until they fall asleep. I have such a hard time doing that, especially because Emma will get herself so upset that she vomits when she is in her crib. Hailee will calm herself down, but usually she wakes back up in 10 minutes and starts to freak out again. They really do not like their cribs. I have them both swaddled as tight as they can be, I have soothing music playing (which puts them right to sleep when in their swings). I have tried putting them in the same crib and in different. I go in every 10 minutes or so and try to calm them down without picking them up, and sometimes it works, but again a few minutes later they both start freaking out. Does anyone have any suggestions?? It is killing me listening to them cry so much. I just sit in the living room watching the monitor and cry listening to them. I know it's best for them to learn to self soothe, but is there something I can do to make it a little easier on all of us?
Re: Transitioning to cribs
My boys were both very colic-y and we did the same exact thing you and your DH are doing. I can't remember exactly when we transitioned them but I would guess it was somewhere around 5 or 6 months because by 6 months, they were both sleeping in their cribs through the night.
We did the self soothe thing and while it's hard at first, each day gets easier and easier and eventually, viola, they are sleeping in their cribs!
How old are your girls? Would a rock and play sleeper be an option as a transition? In that they would still be on an incline and a sort of in a small confined space. Also, because they are small you could put them in the bedroom with you? And you can sleep with your husband again? If they are still really young this may be a good option. I've been reading the "No Cry Sleep Solution" because I'm in a similar place as you with my twins. It's a good book and I have some things to try at least. I'm not willing to let my 5 month olds cry it out and when I let my son cry once, he threw up, choked and turned blue. NOT doing that again!
How old are they? they sound young and a lot of babies can't self soothe when they're little.
*HUGE lurker*
have you thought of putting the swings in their bedroom at first, right next to the crib, that way they get used to the room: sights/ sounds/ smells/ temperature etc
also, in the swing they are probably sleeping on an incline, in the crib they are flat on their back, can you try propping up the mattress a little? (with DS we got a foam pool noodle, cut it the width of the crib and then cut it almost in half and stuck it UNDER the mattress to create a little elevation)
also, the swing is motion and the motion is putting them to sleep/ keeping them asleep. I would try putting them in the swing, swinging for a few mins until drowsy then either turning the swing off to let them sleep for a while or turning it off and moving them to crib, you might have to "wean" them off the motion... or try rocking the both to sleep then placing in crib
I so wish we could put the cribs in their bedroom, unfortunately neither their room or ours is big enough to do that. We actually usually they do not actually swing in their swings. I think they like the close quarters in the swing. We have tried putting rolled up blankets around them in their cribs but that does not help. I like the idea of propping up the mattress like that. I may give that a shot.