
wwyd? adoption vs. another bio kid...

So, I've always thought I'd have 2 bio kids and then we'd adopt a 3rd.  Both MH and I have always wanted to adopt for different reasons. 

Well, a friend of mine does fostering for Native American newborns. Currently they have 4 kids and have had all 4 since they were days old.  2 of the kids are siblings, a boy and girl.  Girl is 15mo (tribal kid) and the boy 2mo (determined that bio father is not tribal).  We had a customer event last night and I picked him up and met the kids.  Again.  I had met the girl before and fell in love and now that I met her brother, too, I'm head over heels. Friend and wife said they'd support us in trying to adopt these kids even though one kid is Native and would be a very complicated adoption.

MH and I are going to talk about it seriously tonight.  If we did move to foster to adopt these kids, we'd have 3 under 3.  I work FT (bring home most of the money) and travel a lot.  My friend works with me and has offered to see if he can do some of the traveling for me.  My boss was with us last night and she seemed pretty on board (though there was lots of wine involved).  MH is totally on board but does not want any more bio kids if we adopt these two.  I feel now that I can committ to not having any more bio kids, but I don't know how I'll feel a few years down the road KWIM?

 I don't know if I'm really looking for advice, but had to get it off my chest.  I guess I'm just wondering if there is anything else I should think about?  My mom said to think about what happens if Luc needs a kidney donor.  LOL!

Re: wwyd? adoption vs. another bio kid...

  • no real advice, just wanted to say good luck with your decision!
    DD1 12.18.06 DD2 9.18.08 DD3 EDD 5.10.2012 BabyFruit Ticker
  • I would not let the freak chance that my kid needs a kidney donor affect my decision. What about only children? I think fostering and adopting is a wonderful thing, and it's something very close to my heart. We have always planned on fostering/adopting and can't wait until that's more of an option for us. Good luck with making the decision.
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  • I think it's wonderful that you are considering adoption.  Many people change their minds about how many children they want.  Do what feels right now, and revisit the issue in a few years.
  • I am adopted.  I think it's great as long as the two of you have really researched and are ready to love the children as your own and to support them in any issues they might have as they get older (I am thinking adoption related but really any issues. is a great place to read stories to help you see what it's really about...assuming you do not have a lot of experience with it or I am sorry for assuming.  Good luck either way.
    Jen - Mom to two December 12 babies Nathaniel 12/12/06 and Addison 12/12/08
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