I just saw your update. If it is mastitis, I hope you feel better soon! I have had it 4 times now (3 with ellie and 1 with clayton) and twice it was awful for days and twice it wasn't too bad - once the fever was controlled I was ok. Do you have allergies to medicine? Each time I had mastitis, I took Dicloxacillin for it. This last time, the dr on call actually called me in ampicillin, but I called him back and had him change it to dicloxacillin since I have had good previous success and it is a drug of choice for mastitis. It can cause some stomach cramping and diarrhea, but I haven't ever had it. It can do the same to the baby....it is not harmful to them, but a possible side effect. It never seemed to bother or effect Ellie. I did notice Clayton's poop had already turned into the yellow seedy poop and when I started the antibiotic it was more green and slimy and now it is back to the yellow seedy like it is supposed to be. As far as it effecting my milk supply - the antibiotic doesn't, but having mastitis itself seems to decrease my supply in that breast.
Re: Batty
She's pretty sure it's mastitis. They did a full exam on me and everything else is normal. My one boob is a touch red and she felt a small clogged duct. She put me on cephalexin for 10 days and said if I still have a fever fri to call.
Hows C sleeping at night? C's thing is she'll nurse to sleep then wake up 10min later crying. It takes awhile to get her back to sleep then...up to a half hour.by that time you have an hour to sleep until she wants to eat again! So most nights I'm lucky to get 4hrs of sleep.
Not really, I hate it. We have 6 different brands now. He will rarely take the mam and it is getting better with time, so I have hope that some day he will like it more. I also think if he starts using it more it might help with the spit up too