what happened if if didn't go so well? My sister was induced last night at 39w and change (EDD is Sun) due to high BP. She wasn't dilated at all when they started the induction. She's overseas and it's now about 21 hours since they started the induction. Her contrax are starting slowing and she's only 1.5 cm. Is that normal for an induction like hers? I have no idea what to tell her other than to try to be supportive thousands of miles away. What do you think they'd do if she was here? So far, they do things very differently there. I just feel so badly for her, I can tell she's getting tired and frustrated. =(
DS1 age 7, DD age 5 and DS2 born 4/3/12
Re: If you've been induced before ...
They would have likely wheeled her in for a c-section if she was here. Or at least pushed for it.
Walk, walk, walk.
Roll around with legs spread on a birthing ball.
How did they induce? Pitocin? Or just the stuff they put on the cervix?
I've never been induced. Hell, I've never had a single labor pain. I was c-section both times - before labor ever started either time. :P
I hope things start moving along for her. Breathing helps too (from someone whose never been through it! LOL) But I have seen my sister endure 14 hours of labor with contractions 30-90 seconds apart for about 5 hours of that time -- with zero pain meds. I know that when my younger sister came in and had her breathing rhythmically, it helped TREMENDOUSLY with the pain (which then allows your body to relax, which allows your cervix to dilate)!!
Rolling on a birthing ball really is supposed to be great for opening up the cervix. (I took Bradley Method classes! LOL)
That's what we keep wondering and asking, but we've heard nothing. She just told me they won't even call the OB until her contrax are bad (guessing she means active labor or more). Yikes!
I think in the US they would have already done a c-section, but I think doctors here often get impatient. Is this her first baby? Is she in a hospital or birthing center? Have they broke her water?
I was induced both times at 39 weeks and change (because of low platelet levels apparently caused by pregnancy) and wasn't dilated or showing any signs of going into labor. The first time they used pitocin and it was awful. The 2nd, they started with cervidil and breaking my water. My contractions were terribly painful, but weren't doing much to dilate my cervix. After a few hours, and only 1.5 cm (I think? It definitely wasn't much) I finally asked for an epi. According to the monitor, the contractions slowed way down and weren't as strong, so the doctor said they'd probably have to give pitocin after the cervidil wore off. But I was out of pain and able to nap and read for a while instead of writhing in pain. After 2-3 hours, a birthing room opened up, so the nurse figured she'd check me before we moved and I was 9.5. By the time we got into the room I was 10 and my doc was still in her office! So in my case being able to relax made the contractions way more productive. So my vote is to get an epidural! I hope everything goes well for her and it's over soon!
the hospital won't call her obgyn? her obgyn doesn't want to get called unless she's in active labor?
if your sister's concerned and not happy with how things are going, can she call her obgyn herself to make sure everything is going how the doctor would like? I know my obgyn is directly hooked up to the hospital so she could watch me/baby on the computer (heart rate, etc) from her office, but that was only once i was all checked in and attached to the wires:)
wishing them a healthy labor/delivery!
"She said they want her to be in pain and the birthing ball makes it better, so she's not using it.
is right! Pain is only productive if it's doing its job. Which clearly, it's not.
Poor girl!