I filed (and IRS accepted) my taxes on 1/21. Turbo Tax says the expected refund date is 2/1. But if I input my info into the irs.gov website then it says 2/8. Also if I go by the IRS' refund schedule then it says tomorrow. Oy! Just wish I had a firm date...
I don't really expect anybody to come thru with the miracle answer but this is coming from a girl that just got her first full paycheck in over a month yesterday so you can see where I'm coming from. lol
back to work...
ETA: it's direct deposit
Re: Wonder when I'll get my refund...
i haven't gotten a paycheck yet, and i've been back since jan. 3. i just assumed that i'd get the whole month today (normally get paid on the 15th and last day of the month), but i don't see anything on my bank activity. gonna look into this...
usually, the IRS website is the most accurate when you enter your info.
Oh yikes...I got 4 days pay for the first week of Jan on Jan 15 and got the 2 weeks pay today so I'm trying to get caught up. Hopefully things work out for you- I know it's hard!
I feel your pain on pay day. We're closed over the holidays so I got paid Dec 15 instead of Dec 31 so January was a very loooong month.
Exs' refund was accepted the 18th or 19th and was told the 27th and then the 1st. Mine was accepted last week and one place says the 14th and another says between Feb 6th and Feb 17th. So in other words, who knows? In years past they were very exact on the day. They made deposits every Friday and told you exactly when you were getting it. This year supposedly they can deposit on any day of the week.