
3 months in and still having a great this strange?

I feel like the *crap* should have hit the fan by now but it hasn' this strange?  I'm really having an easy time with the 4 kids (I'm lucky my older girls are the same age too so they play awesome together) but I can't help but think the "real" twin trouble is coming haha.  Please tell me I'm not going to wake up one day in Hell haha.  

Oh and to the pregnant momma's who are scared haha - mine were even preemies and have had no reflux, eating or sleep troubles.  So have faith that it will all be okay as newborns haha! =))) 

"I have four children. Two are adopted. I forget which two. -Bob Constantine

"All for Love,' a Saviour prayed 'Abba Father have Your way. Though they know not what they do...Let the Cross draw men to You...."

Re: 3 months in and still having a great this strange?

  • Maybe you just got lucky! I felt kind of the same way, but I did have some rough times. But they didn't have reflux or any eating or sleeping problems either. (Granted, I would have liked them to sleep longer, but they slept fine for their age.)

    And probably being a third-time mom helps. You're probably a bit more relaxed than some of us first-time moms were when our babies were born. :)


    That said. If you come back in 3 years and tell me they're STILL a piece of cake, I'm going to be a little jealous. :)

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  • imagepea-kay:

    Maybe you just got lucky! I felt kind of the same way, but I did have some rough times. But they didn't have reflux or any eating or sleeping problems either. (Granted, I would have liked them to sleep longer, but they slept fine for their age.)

    And probably being a third-time mom helps. You're probably a bit more relaxed than some of us first-time moms were when our babies were born. :)


    That said. If you come back in 3 years and tell me they're STILL a piece of cake, I'm going to be a little jealous. :)

    haha I DO know that 3 year olds are NO joke....I won't be saying that when they are 3 hehe! =))) 

    "I have four children. Two are adopted. I forget which two. -Bob Constantine

    "All for Love,' a Saviour prayed 'Abba Father have Your way. Though they know not what they do...Let the Cross draw men to You...."

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  • imagelrrb:
    mine were even preemies and have had no reflux, eating or sleep troubles.   =))) 


    I'm glaring at you right now...Stick out tongue

  • I'm 11 months in and still frickin' exhausted, so enjoy!  Mine are craptacular sleepers.  I'm going to have a bonfire with all of the sleep books...
  • Thank you for sharing this.

    I have been extremely overwhelmed and have been having lots of anxiety about the first few months. It's nice to know things are going well for you. 

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  • Aw! So glad you're doing so well with your four! I remember those days so well and so fondly. As backwards as it sounds, it really does help tremendously to have two older kids in the mix, as opposed to just one. My girls entertained themselves endlessly while I tended to my twins, and no one was ever left out. I had two sets of little ones :) so, no, you're not crazy! Enjoy your little family!! :)
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    Mom to Megan(5), Bridget(4), Tessa and Annie (2) and Mary (brand new)

  • imageschoolsoutbride:
    I'm 11 months in and still frickin' exhausted, so enjoy!  Mine are craptacular sleepers.  I'm going to have a bonfire with all of the sleep books...

    Can I come to your bonfire? Mine think that 3-5 am is a perfectly acceptable time to be up for the day. 

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • I'm loving having twins too, though I could use more sleep.  I know I'll go through ups and downs with them, but right now they're so portable, I take them everywhere with us and they just hang out.

    My daughter was a really difficult baby, so I think I had super low expectations about the early months.  Luckily I've been pleasantly surprised that I got 2 laid back little guys!

    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • My goodness -- more power to all you confident Mommies out there. I'm going nuts with the two I have. *LOL* I'm SO scared to bring home TWO more. My son was an absolute dream as a baby & my daughter is just horrendous! *haha* She's got SUCH a temper & the worst sleeping habits.... and now she's teething - making it all the worse. I'm so praying "the girls" will be better sleepers & less mouthy... for my sanity! :)
    We thought we were done with Aidan & Laila... needless to say another pregnancy was not planned. But then ehh... what's ONE more? Imagine our surprise @ 5 months when we found out we were having twins. Oy Vey! Though, I really wish this oopsie had happened a year down the road. Our daughter just turned a year old on January 5th & our son will be 3y/o in March! *cries*

    ~ SARA ~

    Mother to:
    Aidan William (3/19/09)
    Laila Monet (1/5/11)
    Ava Selene & Chloe Corinne (2/6/12)

  • I don't have two older kids, but it didn't happen for me until they started crawling.  NOW I'm overwhelmed and anxious.  Birth - 8 months was a cake compared to now.  I still love it, but I'm just trying to adjust to these teething, moody, MOBILE 10 month olds :)
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • Trying not to be jealous. ;) Our first several months were VERY difficult. Though Peakay has a point that it probably helps in some ways that you're not a first-time mom so while obviously you're more busy with older kids to take care of, too, you don't have that steep learning curve of a FTM/MoM.
    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
  • imagecleeksock:

    I'm loving having twins too, though I could use more sleep.  I know I'll go through ups and downs with them, but right now they're so portable, I take them everywhere with us and they just hang out.

    My daughter was a really difficult baby, so I think I had super low expectations about the early months.  Luckily I've been pleasantly surprised that I got 2 laid back little guys!

  • imagecleeksock:

    I'm loving having twins too, though I could use more sleep.  I know I'll go through ups and downs with them, but right now they're so portable, I take them everywhere with us and they just hang out.

    My daughter was a really difficult baby, so I think I had super low expectations about the early months.  Luckily I've been pleasantly surprised that I got 2 laid back little guys!

  • Well I am 7 months in and don't think it's that bad! Don't get me wrong, there are moments, but they have been STTN since 8 weeks and are just great babies. They play well, nap well, sleep well, eat well. We've been really lucky. The only issue is going out in public - they have some major stranger anxiety. Probably because I'm a SAHM who lives WAY in the country and I don't go out much. I also don't have any other kids.
    photo 41f1f21b-fd5b-40ab-bc31-76a13e270270_zpscf391ac9.jpg
    After 2 years, Injects, PCOS diagnosis and 2 IUI's, we were blessed with our beautiful twin girls!
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    Baby Girl #3!
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  • I'm glad you're having a good time!

    One of our babies is a crappy sleeper, but generally speaking we've had an easy run. I am always waiting for the other shoe to drop based on how hard I've read it is...They've been sick this past week, and that's by far been hardest so far.

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