Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Introducing LO to a swimming pool...

I have a silly question to ask but I would like to start taking our LO to the pool and getting him used to the water and all. Now are you supposed to keep the diaper on with the swim trunks or remove it? My guess would be to remove it since it would get all soggy and wet from the water but i just thought i'd ask! 

Re: Introducing LO to a swimming pool...

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    Swimming diapers - at the very least they keep in poopy accidents.

    AAP suggests waiting until after immunizations at 6 months, but honestly it's up to you.


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    Yes, you want to get a swim diaper.  Disposable swim diapers are hard to find in small sizes but you can get a cloth swim diaper in the right size.
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    Get a cloth swim diaper. You have to have something to hold the poop in, pee doesn't matter. We have an apple cheeks one, Bummies also makes Swimmies.

    We started taking DD after her 2 month shots, she's loved it from the start! Just make sure you go to a warm pool. We took her to just a regular indoor pool the first couple times but it was too cold for her, we'd have to leave after only a couple minutes in the water. We found an indoor pool with a kiddie warm water pool, it's like a giant bathtub it's awesome! She has sooo much fun, just kicks and smiles the entire time. Just yesterday she figured out how to splash and thought that was hilarious!

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    Lurking, but just a tip:  Don't put the swim diaper on then put LO in the car seat.  They only keep in solid waste.  The pee passes right through. 

    Also check with the pool where you'll be going.  Some require rubber pants in addition to a swim diaper.

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    DD and I have started Mommy/Baby aquafitness. I got some Bummies Swimmis off ebay for 10$. Not sure how good they are since DD had her poop before we went to the pool, but they were clean when we got out. She seemed to like it. As in she didn't cry, but she did just kind of stare at me with a bewildered look on her face the entire time! She was 4 months the first time we went. Hope that helps!
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    Lurking, but just a tip:  Don't put the swim diaper on then put LO in the car seat.  They only keep in solid waste.  The pee passes right through. 

    Also check with the pool where you'll be going.  Some require rubber pants in addition to a swim diaper.


    This.  I would change E into his swim diaper once we arrived at the pool.  Then I'd change him back into a normal diaper after his swim.  He wore a rash guard and swim trunks over a disposable swim diaper. 


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    We're taking DS this weekend, he'll be 6 weeks. I've worked at pools for almost 13 years now, and I definitely echo the other posters-most will require rubber pants over the swim diaper. Or, skip the swim diaper all together and just use the rubber pants. Disposable swim diapers will be about useless anyways if you still have the liquid newborn poop since they don't have a tight fit around the waist... that's why rubber pants are required in most places.
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    I got my swim diapers from for $22 dollars sold in packs of 4.

    These diapers are washable and reusable and provide UV protection. For reference you can check:

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