We have 2 cribs, 2 gliders... Pretty much 2 nurseries (both rooms have a crib, glider, changing pad on dresser, nightlights...). Also we have 2 humidifiers, and a double stroller. Once DS is out of his infant seat we will have 2 convertible car seats RFing as well. For toys, we bought DS some for Christmas but he will reuse most.
Other than those we had to get all new clothes, towels, jackets for DS because our 1st was a girl and we had nothing other than pink in this house. I'm contemplating a 2nd high chair but I'm not sure. My 2 are 13.5 months apart...
We don't have 2 of anything yet... We cloth diaper so we're reusing those. She's in a lot of his hand me down clothes and has a few pink items that were given to us. No toys yet, using all his old infant stuff (bassinet, swing etc). The only thing we bought was an infant recliner seat because I found myself wanting to put her down when she was awake so she could watch us play and we didn't do that with my son.
Ultimately we may need a 2nd car seat when she grows out of the infant seat. We technically have 2 convertibles right now, one for each car, so we may not buy another but just stick to one car for kids once they both need a convertible.
- another sunshade for the car window - second car seat (convertible) - booster or second highchair - second convertible crib and mattress - more crib sheets - might get a travel swing or bouncer for upstairs (we have a full sized swing in our entertainment room that worked out really well with DS, but I think I might need something upstairs in DS's play area/main living area) - we're skipping the baby monitor but you might want to consider one with two bases for each room depending on the size of your house (ours is tiny) - another dresser/change table - another chair for nursery #2 - table top fan (DS sleeps very well with his ceiling fan) - more pacifiers & a few clips (in pink to keep them separate) - another rear-facing mirror for the car since they'll both still be rear-facing for a while - double stroller & accessories
I'll love you forever,
I'll like you for always,
As long as I'm living my baby you'll be.
- Robert Munsch
We got a 2nd crib and dressers, and a double stroller. Also got more crib sheets, and were gifted some clothes (both girls, but opposite seasons). Eventually we'll need another car seat, but that really has been about it.
The only things we ended up getting for both is a double stroller, another booster seat (we don't use a highchair), and ended up getting more sippies when DS2 was older b/c he refused the ones ds1 used. Oh we also got another camera to go with our video monitor so we have camera in both rooms.
We had DS1 in a twin bed at 13.5 months and this time ds2 will be in a twin bed next month at 16 months.
We ended up with 2 cribs- we had hoped that DD would be ready for a toddler bed by now. She's not. At all.
We also ended up with 2 strollers because someone gave us a nice barely used one. We plan to get a double stroller eventually, but who knows? Maybe when I go out by myself with the 2, I will wear DS and push DD? And when I go out with DH, then he will push one and I will push the other? This penny-pincher can dream, I guess. hehe
We are re-using DD's glider because she past the stage of getting up in the middle of the night and needing to be rocked.
Other than that, just clothes n stuff, since we are having a boy after having a very girly girl.
Re: What do I need two of... besides babies
Other than those we had to get all new clothes, towels, jackets for DS because our 1st was a girl and we had nothing other than pink in this house.
We don't have 2 of anything yet... We cloth diaper so we're reusing those. She's in a lot of his hand me down clothes and has a few pink items that were given to us. No toys yet, using all his old infant stuff (bassinet, swing etc). The only thing we bought was an infant recliner seat because I found myself wanting to put her down when she was awake so she could watch us play and we didn't do that with my son.
Ultimately we may need a 2nd car seat when she grows out of the infant seat. We technically have 2 convertibles right now, one for each car, so we may not buy another but just stick to one car for kids once they both need a convertible.
My list so far (they'll be 18 mths apart):
- another sunshade for the car window
- second car seat (convertible)
- booster or second highchair
- second convertible crib and mattress
- more crib sheets
- might get a travel swing or bouncer for upstairs (we have a full sized swing in our entertainment room that worked out really well with DS, but I think I might need something upstairs in DS's play area/main living area)
- we're skipping the baby monitor but you might want to consider one with two bases for each room depending on the size of your house (ours is tiny)
- another dresser/change table
- another chair for nursery #2
- table top fan (DS sleeps very well with his ceiling fan)
- more pacifiers & a few clips (in pink to keep them separate)
- another rear-facing mirror for the car since they'll both still be rear-facing for a while
- double stroller & accessories
I'll love you forever,
I'll like you for always,
As long as I'm living my baby you'll be.
- Robert Munsch
The only things we ended up getting for both is a double stroller, another booster seat (we don't use a highchair), and ended up getting more sippies when DS2 was older b/c he refused the ones ds1 used. Oh we also got another camera to go with our video monitor so we have camera in both rooms.
We had DS1 in a twin bed at 13.5 months and this time ds2 will be in a twin bed next month at 16 months.
I'm going to keep the girls in the same room. so I'll just be getting another crib and mattress. I'll also be getting a double stroller.
My girlfriend is going to give me her swing and I may purchase a new bouncer if I can find a gently used one at once upon a child.
I'm also thinking of getting a changing table this time, I need the additional storage
thank goodness I'm having two girls back to back I don't have to buy too many clothes!
We ended up with 2 cribs- we had hoped that DD would be ready for a toddler bed by now. She's not. At all.
We also ended up with 2 strollers because someone gave us a nice barely used one. We plan to get a double stroller eventually, but who knows? Maybe when I go out by myself with the 2, I will wear DS and push DD? And when I go out with DH, then he will push one and I will push the other? This penny-pincher can dream, I guess. hehe
We are re-using DD's glider because she past the stage of getting up in the middle of the night and needing to be rocked.
Other than that, just clothes n stuff, since we are having a boy after having a very girly girl.
We will have a 21 month old when LO #2 arrives also!
We ended up with a second nursery because DD#1 is not consistently sleeping through the night due to teething and ear infections.
DD will go in a booster seat at the table, she is really done with the highchair anyway.
Bigger diaper bag
Mirror for the car, LO #2 will use the infant seat but we are waiting to get another convertible seat.
Double stroller
(That is as far as I got on my list)