I currently have an HMO (Blue Cross Blue Shield), but now I need to sign up for 2009 benefits.
Any good/bad thoughts on HMO vs. PPO? I am pg with twins due in May so I am concerned that I might have more complications/bedrest/NICU.
I also need to decide how much to put aside in the flex spending acct for medical expenses... oh, fun.
Thanks in advance!
Re: XP: HMO vs. PPO??
We have a PPO and I looked at switching to the HMO before my boys were born, but decided to stay with the PPO because:
The downside is that we did spend more out of pocket, but I put the maximum into our Flexible Spending account and anything over a certain amount was covered 100%, so we knew we'd have a set OOP expense that we planned for. My boys ended up not needing NICU time, but I had complications that made me glad I had the Dr.'s I chose - not chosen for me by an HMO.
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