Hi everyone,
So I received about 6 bumgenius diapers today as a gift. I had told people that I was planning on cloth diapering but I honestly had not decided which brand to use. Guess someone kind of decided for me.
Some people have told me they have about 6 or so diapers, and then about 40 or more inserts. But this doesn't seem right to me. If you are inserting the inserts into the pockets.... won't you technically need to switch out the actual diaper more often? Am I missing something here? Some cloth diapering knowledge?
I think this might be why I was leaning towards Gdiapers because the cloth/liners just lay in the diaper and have snaps to hold them in. But bumgenius seems to be the more popular brand.
Help! You guys must know something that I don't!
Thanks ladies!
Re: Confused (silly, I know) about Bumgenius....
Hi and welcome. If you haven't yet checked out the FAQs at the top of the board, I highly recommend.
As for your confusion:
First, just because you got 6 diapers of one brand doesn't mean you're "stuck" with that brand for life. 6 diapers is a drop in the bucket in terms of the average stash. We typically recommend a couple dozen if you want to do CD laundry every other day, and a lot of people have more (it can get addictive).
Second, pocket diapers often come with more than one insert. Either there's a newborn and larger size, or there's more than one so you can adjust absorbency if you end up with a heavy wetter. Or you can add more layers for nighttime use. So no worries. You can also swap out inserts from one pocket diaper to another. I honestly can't tell you what brand half of my inserts are.
BG is a popular brand, and tends to work well on most babies, so it's a good start. If it's a one-sized diaper, though, it likely won't fit until your LO is 10-12 lb.
You have to change an entire pocket diaper every time anyway. The inner lining will get wet/dirty along with the insert. That's just the nature of pocket diapers. The FAQs go over the different types and their pros/cons.
Keep asking questions. It will all fall into place before you know it.
With pocket diapers, you change the whole diaper every time, so you would need ~24 different complete diapers.
With hybrids, like G-Diapers or Flip, you can change the insert and reuse the cover. The cover doesn't touch the skin. So you have more inserts than covers.
You don't have to - or want to - use all one type or brand of diaper. Keep the 6 you got, but feel free to buy whatever appeals.
Also: those won't fit a newborn. "One-size" typically don't fit for 4-8 weeks.
Natural Birth Board FAQs
Cloth Diaper Review Sheet
The others have pretty much answered your questions, but I'd tread lightly with gDiapers. Some people have used them successfully, but we did them for about 6 months before we went full on cloth and they were a nightmare. I thought that's just what "cloth" diapers would be. We did the biodegradable/flushable liners. The legs on the little g pants is like the neck on your tee shirt. It stretches out and does nothing as far as waterproofing or otherwise. (yuck!!) I really tried hard to make them work but once we went to full time bumgenius we saved a lot of time and laundry because we were only changing the diaper and not his clothes a. ll of the time too. It has worked for some people, but just about everyone I've talked to had a difficult experience with gDiapers. Good idea, but not quite there yet.
I think GroVia may have a hybrid system and BumGenius flips have a disposable insert I believe, although I'd go with a pocket or an all-in-one (AIO) because it really turns out to be easier.
Good luck on whatever you decide.
We love our BGs.
We hated gDiapers.
Well said. I'm coming out of lurking for a hot minute because this is exactly how I wish I could articulate my frustrations with Grovia, actually. Love the absorbancy of the inserts, they just don't seem to stay in place well enough to not get poo on the cover.
Totally get a variety. There are so many types of cloth diapers.
We have BumGenius, and some other diapers of various brands and types.
For an all-in-two, we have Best Bottoms. The inserts snap into place, but with newborn poo, the cover gets dirty often. However, they are trim, and fit him super early! The first time I tried them on him, they fit. It took longer with the BumGenius.
I've considered getting Flips (AI2/Hybrid) but I think we'll be fine with our Best Bottoms.
DS #2 - 4/2/14