I have an Ergo and a fleece Kangaroo Korner pouch from ds but I don't think they're going to work in Texas heat. Especially Ergo's infant insert is very thick. And to be honest, I wasn't very successful at using either of them first time around. I don't know if ds just didn't like being carried or I was sucky at it but we never got into a groove. He wiggled, cried, got hot and fussy and I kept worrying about whether he was getting enough air, breathing right, well supported, etc so I just gave up at one point.
This time though, I really want to be able to wear baby#2 so that I can have hands free to play with ds at the park and such. Can you please recommend your most hot weather friendly (baby will be born in March but will probably get most usage April-Sep) sling or carrier. I really don't think I can master the wraps given my poor track record so easier the better. I thought Kangaroo Korner had a mesh one but I see they've gone out of business. The mesh ring slings look great but I heard they're mostly for water use and not too comfortable to wear out of water.
As always, thank you so much for the help.
Re: Please recommend your hot weather sling/carrier
(read it. you know you want to.)
anderson . september 2008
vivian . february 2010
mabel . august 2012
Can you come to a Babywearer's meeting? You could try out a bunch of different carriers and get a feel for what might work best for you. https://www.bigtent.com/groups/aabw
I'm a big fan of ring slings for summer newborns, especially those from sleepingbaby.net. She has lots of different fabric options, including linen that would work well for the heat. They're pretty inexpensive.
You could also try an infant-sized mei tai like a Babyhawk. They're a little more versatile and easier to use than a ring sling, but will be slightly hotter. They also give you the option of a low or high back carry later on once LO's able to sit.
I would suggest a linen ring sling or wrap. I have one from sleepingbabies that worked great. I also love the ergo, they get a good amout of air flow and are super comfy. I was able to frog leg without the infant insert at 6 weeks old (my baby was 14lbs by then, though)