Just wondering if any of you working moms have cut out pumping and are still nursing morning and evening and if so, how long you have been able to do this? I want to quit pumping but would like to keep BF morning and before bed.
Brady Hunter 08/12/08
Carter Joseph 07/31/11
Re: XP: maintaining milk supply for morning and evening feeding (no pumping during work hours)
I nursed DD1 in the morning, after work, and before bed for almost 2 years. I stopped pumping when she was 12 months. We cut out the lunch hour session around 18 months. (I nursed her at daycare, although on weekends she still nursed before nap sometimes until she was around 2 years). She was also still nursing at night at this point. I night weaned her at 26 months, and I started completely weaning at 34 months. She was weaned at 38 months.
I stopped pumping for DD2 at 12 months. Around 15 months, she started refusing to nurse at all during the day, so she'd nurse before bed, 2-3x at night, and early morning. She's still doing the same at 18 months, and she's started asking to nurse before naps again. So she's nursing anywhere from 4-6x in a 24 hour period now.
Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
I quit pumping at 11 months. DD is 17 months and we're still BFing on demand when we're together.
I weaned from the pump slowly, and then just stopped all together, but didn't change the nursing routine we had at home.