Hi ladies! Does anyone go to Dr. Horlacher? If so, do you recommend him? I am thinking about switching to him but am apprehensive for a few reasons. Namely, I am not sure about delivering at MVH. I am also looking for a doctor who is more holistic in their approach and more cautious than laid-back. Is Dr. Horlacher that way? I appreciate any feedback!
Re: Dr. Horlacher
LOVE love love him! I switched mid pregnancy and can not say enough good things. Their whole practice is very pro-natural birth, low intervention. I delivered at MVH, didn't get into Family Beginnings but got to do pretty much everything I wanted with my doula in the regular unit, progressed without being pushed to deliver (spent 10 hrs at 9 cm without a peep from the nurses about an epi until they could just tell I really needed it, and I was about to ask anyway). They are also pro-VBAC. I have seen both Dr. Horlacher and Dr. Wood (Dr. Wood actually did my c-section for DD and he was fantastic!). I have seen Dr. Kidd once and she was really nice and the NP is fantastic as well. They are cautious though when needed, my BP was up at one point and they didn't hesitate to send me to L&D for a visit to see if it went down and made sure we kept track of it, and treated me after birth b/c it was high. Like I said, can't say enough good things. Oh and I know they will deliver at Family beginnings, and I think Dr. Horlacher will deliver in the tub, not sure about Dr. Wood, forgot to ask him and it didn't matter at the time though I labored in the tub at the regular unit.
ETA: To add to your cautiousness comment, I mentioned I had a c-section, they let me push for 1 1/2 hrs, but saw I was getting nowhere and rather than just let me ride it out rec'd a c-section and it turned out I would never have delivered her without it (she was just crooked enough to keep her in there). So glad they didn't just let it ride and put me and DD through more labor that was pointless. They are great with the holistic approach but turn to interventions when they see they are necessary.
MVH was also great when I delivered, the nurses were fantastic, never pushed drugs or anything on me and let me labor in all sorts of positions and in the tub, and omg the food is fabulous.
I'll Echo daves_sweetpea, I never felt unsafe. The hospital is incredibly secure, and once you're in the garage you can take the bridge right across to the building so you never have to go back out to street level. Security in the hospital is fantastic, DH dropped me right at the door when I was in labor, I got checked in, and you can't get to maternity without going through the main desk. Our room was not fancy and new like Family Beginnings, but it was clean enough and well stocked with goodies, and again, omg the food. Most people complain about the hospital food, but I've heard from other moms as well that deliver there, the food is fantastic. There was no reason to worry about trying to get food from other places. I will deliver there again given the opportunity.