So in the last two days I have noticed a decrease in movement from my little man. I have maybe gotten a few faint flutters from him at night and NOTHING during the day.
His sister on the other hand is practicing hard for this year's Summer Olympics Gymnastics all freaking day. The last u/s determined that they had moved to a side-by-side position and my doctor said that they would remain like that.
The troubling thing to me is that I know he can pack a hard punch because he has been pretty active before. Is this a concern I should be calling my doc. with today? AAaaand I realize that I am already comparing one twin to the other =( Just wondering if this could be a distress signal - or if I'm just a psycho FTM.
TIA ladies!!
Re: Decreased movement from one twin.
I'm not sure if I have an answer for you, but I definitely notice more movement from my boy. For a while I was concerned, then at my last ultrasound learned that the girls feet were in a completely different spot than I thought - she had moved. Could your guy have moved and now you are feeling them both but in the same spot?
I admit I probably think about their movement too much, so I would be asking the same thing.
Boy/girl twins born at 37w1d and 37w2d
Haha I was totally thinking this yesterday as she was going nuts!! Of course in the few hours that I have posted this, he has given me some pretty good kicks. Little stinker.... So I'm going to keep an eye on it, and if things get weird again I'm going to call.
As most of you have said - better safe than sorry. Thanks!