Orange County Babies

Told his parents without me...

My partner and I are having our first together and both very excited.  We decided to wait to tell our families until we reach the 12 week mark, just in case anything happens.  No only did we decided when but also to tell our families together.  Which I feel like is a no brainer.

Today while I was at work he told his parents!! Not only am I only 9 weeks but I had NO CLUE he was going to even go see them!!!  He doesn't seem to realize how upset I am and that WE are in this together and that WE should be telling our families!! Ugh... first emotional break was tears... now I am just angry :/ How am I supposed to make him understand that, although I might be irrationally upset and can't help it, but that I need him to be more supportive about these things?!  Including these emotions...

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Re: Told his parents without me...

  • I can totally understand how you're feeling-- especially the anger part.  But if you look at the bright side, he probably was too excited and he couldn't hold it in (if that's any sort of consolation).  Maybe try to emphasize to him that this is the first step of the two of you becoming a bigger family unit, and the fact that he told them without you has made you feel left out.  Good luck!  It's always best to talk to your SO about this-- hopefully he can see where you're coming from!
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