Detroit Babies

RE - Livonia Area?

Can anyone recommend a RE in the Livonia area?  I am looking to switch from my OB next cycle.  Thank you.

Married - 2/21/11
Me, 29 DH, 38
Dx: Anovulatory, Hashimoto's, Luteal Phase Defect, Elevated Prolactin.
Began TTC - April 2011
April '11 natural - BFN
May '11 natural - BFN
June '11 - BFN (consult OB) DH - semen analysis (good)
July '11 - Clomid 50 - BFN Short luteal phases - 9 days
Aug '11 - elevated prolactin discovered (31)/MRI - need to take Parlodel until we succeed - natural BFN
Sept '11 - Parlodel only - BFN DH to specialist - semen analysis #2 - perfect
Oct '11 - Parlodel, Clomid 50 - BFN
Oct/Nov '11 - Parlodel only, ultrasound to check for ovulation - not ovulating - BFN
Nov/Dec '11 - Parlodel, Clomid 100, Ovidrel - ovulated! Longer Luteal phase - 13 days! - BFN
Dec/Jan '12 - Parlodel, Clomid 100, Ovidrel - ovulated!(14 day luteal) - BFN
Jan/Feb '12 - Day 3 AMH/FSH - normal. Parlodel, Clomid 100, Ovidrel, IUI #1 - BFN
Feb '12 - first appt w/ RE 2/6/12
Feb' 12 - natural, HSG - all clear. BFN
Mar '12 - Parlodel, Femara 2.5, IUI #2, HSG trigger and booster - BFN (12 day lp)
April '12 - Parlodel, Femara 2.5, IUI #3, HSG trigger and booster - BFP! 4/22/12 Beta 1 - 54, Beta 2 - 95, Beta 3 - 92. M/C (All Clomid rounds were Clomid 3-7, Estrace 8-12, Prometrium 17-beyond)

Re: RE - Livonia Area?

  • The place I know of in our area is Michigan Comprehensive Fertility Center (Drs. Hayes/Jones/Magyar) - they have offices in Dearborn and Novi (Dr. Jones only).  There's also Wayne State UPG in Southfield on 12 Mile Rd.  I have been going to one in Troy and I'm working on switching to one of these places.  There are lots of reviews from others here on these places.  GL!

    TTC Since December 2010 Pet parent to an 8.5-month-old Stafford - lots of energy! :) Dx: mild endo, uterine polyps Hysteroscopy/Lap done in August 2011 HSG done Sept. 2011 - possible right blocked tube *Lots of uncertainty which is why I'm seeking out a new RE* 50mg + TI + October/November 2011 = BFN Wound up with cysts - sat part of cycle out - started BP and 2 weeks in got my "real" period - "forced" next cycle on 50mg Clomid + 2 B2B IUI's = BFN March 2012 - 2 B2B IUI's + prog. = BFN Took a break - went on vacation June 2012 - tried "on our own" with no medical intervention, NFP only BFP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 7/17/12 Visit The Nest! Visit The Nest!
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