So I've thouroughly stripped the load that I did the other day. I thought I had done a good job of it but then they came out from the dryer stinky. So I did it again and sure enough with the first rinse there were some bubbles, not a lot but some. This time absolutely none.
But, on original wash day I went through 3 more diapers and 1 cover. Since then I put him in sposies because I had completely gone through my stash and wanted to strip them really good. I don't plan to put him back in CDs until tomorrow and I work all day on Monday so I won't be washing a full load until Tuesday. These were dirtied on Thursday and I think that will be going too many days in between a wash. I used fleece liner so there's hardly any poop residue on the diaper or liner but between that and urine I figure they need a wash.
I worry that if I throw them in the washer the load will be too small. Would it be easier to handwash or should I throw in 2-3 large towels? We just did towels, so they're all clean but whatever gets my dipes clean!!
Re: Should I handwash?