
WWYD- re: gift giving?

A couple of years ago my sister and I decided we would not longer exchange bday gifts and just do cards for our birthdays.  I turned 30 this year and we had a party, so she brought me a gift.  Now I feel obligated to buy her a gift, even though we have the agreement not to exchange gifts.  Should I just get her a gift and then we can have the "no gifts" talk again sometimes after her bday?  Any suggestions for a gift for her?  She'll be 33.

Re: WWYD- re: gift giving?

  • If y'all have both agreed in the past not to exchange gifts then I wouldn't feel obligated to give her a gift.  A nice card would suffice.  I'm sure she was just wanting to honor your big 3-0 bday.  Wait and give her something for her 40th!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Ditto pp.  Or maybe take her out to lunch on her b-day if you want to do something.
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  • I would do a card this year and wait til 35 or 40. I have this agreement with friends that we do presents for just the kids on their birthdays. I recieved gifts at my party but unless my friends or sisters had a party for their bday I didnt break the agreement.
  • I agree with the other pps.  Wait until her 40th.
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