DD's BM is left-handed. So am I. When we first met in the hospital, BM made an offhand comment that all she wanted was for DD to be left-handed.
DD is increasingly indicating that she's going to be right-handed. Yeah, I know it's early, and things could change. But I feel like we "failed" her BM.
See, I told you it was dumb.
Re: Super dumb thing to feel guilty about
We all have irrational mommy worries...
How did I not know you were a lefty?
Train her to be ambidextrous??
Strangly - so far both of the girls are lefty. I think Cora will always be a lefty, but Elsie might go right.
My Blog
Funny you say that. DH and I were discussing it tonight, and he said, "Well, we can't *make* her go left. But we can teach her to be ambidextrous."