Cloth Diapering


Have you used Kawaii pocket diapers? We are thinking of using some of our tax return to buy some of these. We will probably buy one and see how we like it and how it fits DD before we buy more, but I was just curious if you have used them and how you liked them.

Re: Kawaii

  • Most of our stash is Kawaii. They are working well. The only problem I have is that on the cheaper ones, it seems as if the plastic and liner are separating. They don't leak though. That's the only issue I have. I keep thinking that they will soon tear. I have been using them full-time since August. They seem like good diapers for the price, although I don't know if they will last me for future babies.
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  • love them!! but the ones i have i've only been using for a few months
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  • They have 7 different styles, I like some of them and don't like some of them.
    I would recommend buying a couple, so you can try out at least a few of the different types, instead of just buying 1 diaper. You may end up liking one style and not others.

    Liam 07/08/10 -- TTC #2 -- my cloth vlog -- & daily cloth diaper deals Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • We have about 8 of the little pure and natural pocket diapers and I love them for my little one, it's a great fitting small pocket diaper that is absorbent and trim.  We have been using them since she was about a month old (so for 3 months now) and while I am fairly certain they will last till she outgrows them size-wise, another couple months, I am not sure they would last through another baby.  For the price though I am OK with that, especially since we are not having another baby.  I have 3 of the other OS diapers, various kinds, and I like them well enough but I still prefer my BG 3.0 and 4.0's to them but again for the price they are nice to have on hand.
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  • I have a few and like them but they do give her a red line on her legs. I am not closing them too tight (that I can tell), so I don't know why we are having this problem.
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  • Yes, I've used every kind except the pure and naturals.  I think they are great quality for the price and the materials are well made.  The only things I didn't like were that they are a little bulkier and the snaps are a PITA! 

    The heavy duty aplix diaper is our go to for overnight.  The aplix is fantastic and I really wish they made their other diapers with aplix too!  I also love the Minky mom label because it's organic fibers and the minky is so soft.  Very nice diaper and significantly trimmer.  I like the suedecloth inner material of the round tab diapers as well.  

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • That's pretty much all we use. Square tab aplix by day, good night heavy wetter by night.

    You can get one or two with free shipping from resellers (here or here) and if you like them, go to the importer and buy a package.

    Mine still look great after nearly 8 months of use.

  • Love the 2 pure & naturals we have! Waiting on a couple of heavy duty fleece one size to arrive to try those out. And I plan on getting a package of something once she restocks. ETA: Unrelated, but my iPhone really wants to autocorrect the word "restocks" to "testicle" LOL
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  • I have three, two are Kawaii Green Baby One-Size Bamboo Pocket - Blue Label and one is the Kawaii Baby One-Size Heavy Duty Pocket. I like the bamboo because of the organic bamboo and the minky fiber. And I like snaps in general because I don't have to worry about the laundry tabs.

    But I wish I had more of the Heavy Duty because DC uses velcro only and the blue label only comes in snaps. They are quite large and wide at the crotch. They are wider than my BG pockets and as big as my Thirsties size 2 pockets

  • I have four different styles of the Kawaii. snaps, aplix, square tab and something else, can't think of the name. Absolutely Hate the snaps right now cuz baby is a wiggleworm, and the aplix is so-so on all of them EXCEPT the square tab.  The square tab has the best aplix.  Strong.  No diaper chains with that one.
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  • I only tried one, months ago, that was a pocket aplix (not sure exactly what kind it was).  I thought it was pretty similar to BG, but for whatever reason the elastics and edges really rubbed DD's skin on her legs and the point where she had super deep red, irritated marks that didn't go away for days (after only wearing the dipe for an hour or two).  It was really weird.  I don't know if it was the type of material used or what.  The fit seemed fine and no different from any of her other pockets.  Just my experience with them, I know a lot of mamas have great luck with Kawaii.
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