Food Allergy

Peanut allergy

DS experienced some hives after having a lick of peanut butter.  We had his blood tested.  Turns out he is allergic to all tree nuts except for cashews and very allergic to peanuts.  He score was 56 for peanuts.  Pedi recommended we avoid all nuts, any packaged food that may have traces of peanut, and carry epipen at all times.

Anyone else in the same boat? Its all so new to us.

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Re: Peanut allergy

  • Nuts are the easiest to avoid, IMO. However, DS1's nut allergies arent anywhere near your DS's. Its something you will learn about over time and eventually it will become second nature. You should make sure that he doesnt touch a nut or touch a surface that nuts could have been on. I have to do this with my guy and dairy. If any dairy touches his skin, he gets almost instant hives. IDK how im going to send him to school :( Anyways, GL to you! One day at a time!

    Jacob Alexander 7/23/09
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    Jameson Adam 6/1/11
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  • Yes, we are in the same boat as you!  It's very overwhelming at first when learning of your child's food allergy.  I remember after having DD's first appointment 3 years ago - our allergist called us at night asking us if we had any questions because it can be so overwhelming to take in at that moment.  My husband and I have become avid label readers and we mostly shop at whole foods or trader joe's - which have great selection of foods for our daughter (she is also allergic to dairy, eggs, tree nuts, as well as peanuts.)  Once you start to read labels, it will seem second nature to you and it won't seem such a daunting task.  We also have found restaurants that are more allergen friendly for us and we usually stick to those when dining out.  There is a great website FAAN ( that is/was a great help to me!  HTH!  :)
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