does anyone ever feel like doctors/nurses just act on the CYA premise? the only ones that i did not feel this way about was my RE and my MFM. even my OBs i feel like everything is just CYA.'s actually the only way i can get them to do stuff scaring them into thinking "oh i didnt check this off my list, i could get in trouble" or "oh, better get that done so we dont get sued.". maybe it's me...i didnt feel that way with my son. i dont even know if that is making sense....i guess i feel like i can never get good heartfelt advice anymore...that the world is more and more just one big CYA trap.
sorry, vent over.
Re: ever feel like everything is just CYA?
you can thank all the lawsuits and insane cost of insurance for doctors for this.
that's one of the reasons I LOVE my OB... he is not afraid of getting sued- b/c he has confidence in himself. He said "you can tape the c/s... I don't mind- but the hospital might stop letting people do it b/c of legal action"... He Ok'd me taking advil until the 3rd tri (for migraines) when most OB's say NO WAY... b/c my OB knows the danger is only in the 3rd tri.... just a couple examples of how wonderful he was and how smart he is.
it's hard to find docs that don't follow "CYA" these days. Sometimes it' snot just b/c of legal action- but, for instance, a discussion I had with an older IM doc yesterday (i'm a drug rep) where he said that he takes longer to make decisions about patients now b/c he knows so much... he knows that if he doesn't do XYZ there is a tiny chance it could be something bad and he'd miss it... and even though it seems excessive- it's worth it for him to do XYZ than miss it in ONE patient- even if it only would happen once in 20 years.
Yep, I'm also wondering what CYA is.
ETA: Cover Your Ass?
cya = cover your ass : )
i understand that there has been and will always by CYA medicine. i just feel like it's gotten worse.
That's actually a saying we use on a daily basis! I'm an Nurse Practitioner in the ER, and unfortunately, that's the way it is. I know working in the ER makes you jaded, but there are days where I feel like my patients are acutally trying to catch me in a mistake. Of course, the typical ER population, is not the typical population, so I'm sure it's not that bad in other areas of medicine (and yes, there are plenty of great patients that I really enjoy too!).
CYA is definately something that even teachers say when we're still in school. It's a shame, but that's what it's come to...