Health & Exercise

Period Question

Ladies - I am not sure if this is the right board to ask this, but hoping someone might have some insight for me - I have a 20 month old at home and breastfed for the first 12 months, so I didn't start getting my period back til July 2011.  The first couple of months seemed normal, then the timing in between started to vary.  I should say that I was never normal with a cycle before getting pregnant and my period never lasted long prior to.  Well, this month, my period is due - I have been bloated, but a little later then planned, but I noticed some light spotting - I put a pad on, but I am finding that I am only bleeding when I urinate, try to make a bowel movement or wipe in the bathroom.  Very rarely is there anything on the pad - this doesn't sound normal to me?  Does anyone have any insight or thoughts.  Sorry for all the info!  TIA
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