TTC After a Loss

Throat-punch Thursday!!!

If you've just realized that you had to pee so badly it splashed between the toilet and seat and just got all over the back of your designer jeans, or if your husband just told everyone your secret to the perfect apple pie is Sarah Lee, or if AF just reared her ugly head, or if some fresh from college CNA just doesn't get that there are two weeks of pregnancy where you "just don't know yet" and cannot take the medication prescribed, vent it here!!!

My TPT goes out to FF. I'm either 9 days, 8 days, 7 days, 6 days or still waiting on DPO. And I blame FF, not my erratic cycle, irregular hormones, or newness to the charting world. Wink

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Re: Throat-punch Thursday!!!

  • You already know my vent, so I'll just add to the PIP


    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers 

    CafeMom Tickers

    Married the love of my life 7/11/09 - Our first baby, Peyton Mark, was born sleeping 10/25/11 at 33 weeks - Our second baby, BFP 2/4/12, welcome to the world Raylan! Holy Moly, BPF 2/4/14, please be safe and sound little one!

    My Blog

  • I'd  like to TPT my Walgreens BBT and DH's illness. Already vented about it, but haven't specifically TPT'd it yet. Ka-POW!
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  • Ax2Ax2 member

    My TPT goes out to AF who, I just KNOW is going to show up right before DH and I's weekend at a B&B and winery tour next week.

    Second TPT is to the three people who almost hit me with their cars in the parking lot at lunch.  Parking lot aisles are there for a reason, quit cutting between cars! Also, aisles are made for two cars, not just one!  get out of the middle!

    Lastly, a big throat punch to the sandwich I ate for lunch that I can't stop tasting. Ugh.


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  • MyTPT is preemptive and goes out to AF who is a miserable hag and will not be welcome at my house when she inevitably shows up on Monday. 

    I am very stabby today.  

    TTC #1 since January 2011
    BFP#1 April 12, 2011, EDD December 24, 2011, strong heart beat at 7w3d, d&c at 10w6d
    BFP#2 Oct 24, 2011, natural miscarriage, EDD unknown
    After RPL testing my losses and subsequent infertility are considered unexplained.
    Cycle #22: Femara, TI, and progesterone = BFP!! 
    BFP#3 Dec 21, 2012. Beta #1 @14dpo = 134, progesterone 67.8. Beta #2 @ 17dpo = 664! Team green, EDD 9/1/13, healthy baby boy born 9/12/13!
    imageimage  My chart.

    Congratulations to the fabulous KGS2003! Her sweet boys are here! Grow boys grow!!!
  • TPT to my BIL and SIL. You suck.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Image and video hosting by TinyPicImage and video hosting by TinyPicImage and video hosting by TinyPic
    My Blog: One Emerald
    BFP#1: 9-13-11 EDD: 5-26-12 MMC: 11-4-11 D&C: 11-8-11
    BFP#2: 7-6-12 Elizabeth Faye ("Zuzu") born 3-21-13
  • My TPT goes out to my very own reproductive system which cannot seem to regulate even after 9 months post loss. It's hard to time BD when my cycle could be anywhere from 30 to 41 days, with O anywhere from CD18 to CD30. I am entirely way too tired when I get home from work to be able to BD ED or EOD during that 2 week time span. The false positives on my OPK's deserve a TPT too.

    I feel much better now. Thanks.

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  • I want to throat punch both my realtors. I never hear from them and when I do they are stalking my phones and leaving me messages that I "need to call them ASAP" for the most annoying asinine things.

    Really? Did I have to stop what I was doing to acknowledge that you sent me an email and I need to respond? Really?

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