I am sitting at my desk barely able to hold my eyes open today. I cannot wait for 3 today!!!
Yesterday was great. I felt energized and had no pain (very unusual). I felt like I was wonderwoman. Worked till 3:30 then went home and started washing/drying and folding laundry, swept the floor, cleaned up the kitchen, took the kids for dinner and even watched a movie with the hubby after he got home from work.
Today I wake up and feel like I can hardly move. I'm so sleepy and sore today. I assume the soreness is from all the bending at the washer/dryer and sitting so low to the ground in the boys bedroom. I had the 12 and 9 year old start organizing their bedroom yesterday because I have someone coming tomorrow to finish moving their furnature around and steam clean the carpet in the nursery so my DH can put the baby furnature in Saturday.
Although I'm grateful for the pain free day I think I feel worse today than I felt before the pain free day.