
Complications on anatomy scan?


Hello, I went for my anatomy scan yesterday (I'm 21w today) and the babies look ok (twin boys) but they told me I'm on high risk since they noticed a problem with the umbilical cord. I didn't understan much of what they explained to me but they said that the umbilical cord of Baby B was going to a membrane, not where it was suppossed to go. They told me there was nothing I could do and that it could affect baby growth :--( . I called my OBGYN and she said that she wants me to go on bed rest, so next Wed when I see her, I have to bring her the disability forms. I was googling this online and freaked out :-(. Is anyone going through the same?

Re: Complications on anatomy scan?

  • One of my girls had a marginal insertion, in which the cord attached to the end of the placenta, not near the center like it should have been.  They just monitored her a little closer, and when they were born she was about .5 lb smaller than her sister.  Is that what you have?  Good luck and hope everything turns out ok!
  • I would call them and ask your doctor to call you and explain exactly what is going on. It's his/her job to help you understand the situation. Don't be afraid to ask questions or make them repeat themselves. Hugs & best of luck!

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  • Nice to hear that, I'm not sure, I went to the hospital and the dr. told me that the cord was going to a membrane, that's all I could understand, they'll send my report to my dr. next week. I hope it's not vasa previa because I read about so many tragic cases. I'm freaking out :-( Thanks for replying, glad your babies are fine :-)
  • Thank you, they will send the report to my OBGYN/DR. The dr. that saw me yesterday was at the maternal hospital so she said they could just monitor it and it could affect the baby's growth, but I got so confused since they didn't explain me that much about it. I hope my dr. gives me a clearer answer. Thanks girls :-)
  • We have the same issue with Baby B. His cord goes into the membrane that separates the two and then into the placenta (velementous cord insertion). There is nothing you can do and nothing you did caused it. Because he may not get all the nutrients it could affect his growth later. Ours right now is measuring small, about a half pound less than his sister. At 31 weeks, I am still not on bedrest. I'm not sure why your OB feels like you need it.

    Right now we are just continuing to be monitored (size and cord blood flow specifically) and will start biweekly NSTs next week. Try not to worry. I understand the stress because I've been there and completely freaked. This does not mean your baby will not be a healthy, normal weight baby. And stay away from google. It only scares you.

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  • Oh and vasa previa is what my insertion can turn into if the cord started to go through the cervix. I was told that because it's Baby B it's not likely to happen since he's higher up. Plus they will monitor you to make sure it doesn't. HTH!
    ~*~Nestie Besties with Hollylb3~*~
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  • Oh wow, thanks Deutschefairy, danke :-) I think I might be going through the same, glad you are doing fine, I thought my baby B wouldn't make it. He's also higher up :-) I'll talk to my dr. next week!!
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