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book pregnancy miracle


I found the e-book pregnancy miracle online and I am wondering whether it is a scam...  Any reviews I've found on the book are suspiciously linked directly to the book website & most of the reviews have a web address similar to the name of the book.  I'm intrigued by the book but am afraid it is a scam, does anyone know?

Re: book pregnancy miracle

  • Although I've never heard of the book, I can tell you that finding a lot of faux reviews online probably means that it's not a very good book. Sounds like the author(s) and / or publishing company are shilling (posing as customers to encourage others to buy).
    Pregnancy Ticker

    BabyFruit Ticker

    Beat stage 4 Hodgkins Lymphoma May 2011, YEAH!!!

    BFP 3/30/12, with fingers and toes all crossed.

    AMA (37) + GD = HR, grr.

    EDD 12.12.12

  • Yesterday I picked up:

    What To Expect Before You're Expecting - I thumbed through this one and am looking forward to really tucking into it... looks like a lot of good info.

    Making Babies - Haven't cracked this one open yet, but plan to do so this weekend. 

    Pregnancy Ticker

    BabyFruit Ticker

    Beat stage 4 Hodgkins Lymphoma May 2011, YEAH!!!

    BFP 3/30/12, with fingers and toes all crossed.

    AMA (37) + GD = HR, grr.

    EDD 12.12.12

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  • I got a copy of the pregnancy miracle and after reading I didn't learn anything new. It's basically eat right, exercise, check out what herbs are good for fertility, etc. All of it is stuff you can research online for free. My copy came from a friend so at least I didn't waste my money. 
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