
DD quickly reaching the dresses only stage...Help!

I'm running out of pant options here.  The kid has shot up like a rocket in the last year.  She's maybe 45 inches right now, with long legs. But she still weighs about 39 lbs. In order to get pants long enough I have to get a 6.  but they are HUGE. Even when adjusted all the way in, still loose in the waist. And the butt area looks ridiculous. 5's are just the right length now, and she will grow out of that soon.  Leggings are ok, if I take a little tuck in the waist. But they sure aren't fitted like on most kids. Any suggestions for places to try?  Target seems to be my only "good" fit right now. I have one pair from Gymboree and one from Gap the are so big they fall off.

Re: DD quickly reaching the dresses only stage...Help!

  • Have you tried Gap or Gymboree Slims??  Gap jeans fit my skinny minnie daugher wonderful, but she in a size 2 right now so we haven't been able to buy her slims yet.  DS is a little more normal sized now but the slims are definitely a "slimmer cut" and look much less sloppy on him.
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  • my dd is pretty medium build, but I found we had to size up in Osh Kosh leggings -- I'm taking that to mean they run slimmer than most, so maybe try there?  They also had lots of nice leggings and different style tops to go with them (at least in the fall) so it doesn't feel like the same thing just a different color every single day.
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  • Thanks!  I will give those a shot and see what happens.  Can't WAIT to buy her a bathing suit.
  • I have a boy but with the same body type.  His best jeans are Levis 511's.. not sure if that is the same number for girls or not.  Gap has skinny lines too.
    Noah (12~28~06) and Eli (8~5~10)


  • I'd just run with the leggings. They don't have to be ankle length, anywhere from ankle to knee is fine. If it's cold put some leg warmers on her.
    The former jen5/03.

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  • How old is she again? 5? 

    Have you tried the girls section at Target?  You're not still in the toddler clothes, right?  

    Anyhow - Nat has some 4s and 5s from Target - skinny styles that look great on her.  She has long legs.


    She also does lots of tunics/leggings.  Carters usually run 24lb 2.5 yr old can wear 3T leggings and the don't fall off.   

  • imagemlm1128:
    I'm running out of pant options here.  The kid has shot up like a rocket in the last year.  She's maybe 45 inches right now, with long legs. But she still weighs about 39 lbs. In order to get pants long enough I have to get a 6.  but they are HUGE. Even when adjusted all the way in, still loose in the waist. And the butt area looks ridiculous. 5's are just the right length now, and she will grow out of that soon.  Leggings are ok, if I take a little tuck in the waist. But they sure aren't fitted like on most kids. Any suggestions for places to try?  Target seems to be my only "good" fit right now. I have one pair from Gymboree and one from Gap the are so big they fall off.

    My DD is long and lean too and Target was our major shopping place too. H&M has awesome woven tights (dont pill and are thick, great quality, wash great) and cute, fashion forward pieced and since they seem to be a European cut, slimmer and longer. My DD also has sensitive skin due to food allergies and anything not cotton against the skin is a no-no so we have it doubly fun. 

    Childrens Place is our staple for leggings but DD doesn't like a lot of their fashion choices. Old Navy, Gap, Gymboree...I never shop any of them. Terrible fit for her. It takes a little work but its possible. Also, dresses are so easy and she gets 2-3 seasons out of them. Good Luck! 

  • Oshkosh fits slimmer, so if you can find a slim fit jean there, that may be your best bet.

    Annalise Marie 05.29.06
    Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
    Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
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