
I freakin STABBED myself...


I'm alone with the boys today and this was my morning:?

7:30am the medical company decided to ring the door bell and wake the babies (which I was fighting with jax to stay calm and sleep thru the rest of his pump feed at this time). The company came to fill the oxygen tank. Then Jax had 2 reflux attacks in the same hour resulting in his feeding tube COMING OUT! And Brady decided that he did NOT want to take his usual morning nap and decided to scream bloody murder non-stop while I was trying to hold Jax down and put in a new feeding tube. Oh my god....poor little jax...that tube did not want to go in, and he was crying and crying. so I finally get the tube in and while I'm holding him down and the tube to his face with one hand, I'm cutting tape with the other and I STABBED myself right below the really actually stabbed myself. (mind you...brady is still screaming this whole $%^& time!!)

?Wonder if the in-home nurse that's giving the boy's RSV shots on Friday would give me a tetnus :)

dear lord...serenity now!!?

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