Northern California Babies

Tassimo vs Keurig

I'm looking to get a single serve coffee maker...anyone have one? pros and cons? Tassimo or Keurig?
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Re: Tassimo vs Keurig

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    I LOVE my Tassimo!  I will say the reason I bought it is because I love Caramel Macchiatos and you can buy Caramel Macchiato pods for it.  It steams the milk pods and then you put in the coffee pods.  

    The con to the Tassimo is it doesn't have all the flavors that Keurig has and isn't as easy to find.  I really have to search to find the Caramel Macchiato flavor.  I know Bed, Bath, and Beyond has a good selection but my local one isn't always stocked. I found ordering in a big quantity online is the easiest.   

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    I also love my Tassimo, because of the fact that it does the fancy drinks. I want my candybar in a cup! :D
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    I'm all about the Tassimo since it can do the milk part. Mmmm...caramel macchiatos and chai lattes!
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    The Keurigs were big this year for the holidays in our family. We got the ILs one, my Dad got my Mom one, the family got my Uncle one. They are ALL loving them. When I was researching the differences I found that I learned the most from the sales dude at BB&B. They were great...were very objective about the abilities of both machines, the different levels within the Keurigs, the warranties (and which machines they see a lot of returns on) and the availabilites of all the different "stuff". My favorite and the one that was highly recommended to me was the Cuisinart for Keurig model. Has a better warranty, comes with the reusable k-cup filter, a larger water resivoir, a rinse feature, and K-cups come in a lot more variety than the tassimo disks. The big feature the tassimo has that the others don't is the milk frother. Other than that, I believe Keurig has the leg up on everything else. Go to BB&B and check them all out and see which one works best for your habit. ;)

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