Cloth Diapering

newborn stash budget

Just curious how much you all spent on a newborn stash not counting the accesories? I didn't start CDing DS until he was 8 weeks old, so I'm excited to get some newborn dipes for #2! I'm thinking if I mostly use prefolds and get some newborn aio's used, I can stay under $150:)
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Re: newborn stash budget

  • i spent $160 on PFs from NB-toddler, then $30 on covers (thirsties duo size 1). if you aren't afraid to buy used, that's the way to go. they go through them so fast... DS will be 5 weeks tomorrow and we're about to retire the NB size for now-we might use them as inserts later.
    Baby Charchie born 12/22/2011
  • I found 24 osocozy newborn prefolds for $36 on amazon as well as 6 Real Nappies covers for $36.  I threw in some doublers, a couple snappis, and some small prefolds which brought my newborn stash total up to $115.  Everything was brand new.
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  • Someone posted a link to this newborn rental earlier today. I'm going to look into it more because it looks like I could diaper a newborn for about two months for $55. Hopefully my os pocket diapers would fit by then. :) That sounds a lot cheaper than buying a separate newborn stash, and I'd be able to use something other than pre-folds. (I'm okay with them, but dh would be overwhelmed.)

    Mommy to N (3), J (2), and C (10 months). LO4 is due in mid-September.
  • I spent $60 total on new PFs (30) and covers (4), and $20 on used KLOs.  It was everything I needed. 

    If we have another baby, I will probably purchase a few AIOs or more fitted knowing I don't have to buy anything else.

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  • Things I bought:

    $85 - lot of 26 infant fitteds, 3 XS covers, 3 sm covers, and 20 wipes

    $25 - 3 Thirsties duo covers, size 1

    $14 - 24 nb prefolds

    $50 - 5  small mum's bum AIOs (not necessary, but a lovely luxury)

    Total: $174... and I could have skipped the AIOs to make that $124. I actually could have skipped the prefolds, too, but they have been generally handy.

  • Don't do what I did.  I spend hundreds on my newborn stash buying BG AIO XS and Lil'Joeys.If I had to do it all over again, newborn rental would have been the route I would have gone.   I had originally bought prefolds to use but I didn't realize it and had purchased premies instead of newborn diapers.  So I got alot of burprags.
    If the house ain't burned down and the baby's fed it was a successful day. Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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