Cloth Diapering

Sprayer vs. Scrapping

In the next few weeks we will be starting solids so I need to figure out the poop plan. I've been looking at sprayers but I'm wondering if I can save the $40-50 and just use a spatula to scrape the bigger chunks off and dunk if necessary. Anyone have luck not using a sprayer or is it worth the cost?

Also, after starting solids when will I know it's time to start dealing with the poop? Since he's only had BM I've just been tossing in the diaper pail and we plan to just give him finger foods so I'm not sure how much he'll really be ingesting initially. Once he starts eating do I need to start or will it be obviously different in appearance when its time? 

Thanks ladies!


Re: Sprayer vs. Scrapping

  • There are many who would state use a spatula and dunk as necessary however having a sprayer is a luxury I will not live without. I recommend the Knickernappys sprayer from kelly's closet, it is awesome, and no leaks yet after a month so I'm assuming it is good to go. The water pressure on this thing is amazing compared to the cheap one I bought on ebay.

    As for knowing when to spray/dunk/scrape - you will know.  the poop will become darker with a heavy peanut butter consistency to begin with.  Once the baby has been on solids for awhile, they become mostly ploppable, but you still need that sprayer for the skid marks.  Stick out tongue

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  • You don't NEED a sprayer, but I really like having one. And, I've had a lot of opposition/annoying comments from the ILs, so any modern convenience of CD helps. MIL scraped diapers once because she didn't know we had a sprayer (I never asked her, she took it upon herself) and was thrilled to have a war story to tell all her friends about the grossness of CD. ugh
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  • I don't NEED diet coke, but life is sure a lot better with it.  Same is true for a diaper sprayer. 

    Plus, MH gets the poo diapers a lot cleaner with it than when we tried to dunk and swish stuff.

    Baby boy H is here! Born 2/1/2014 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Mysterious_wife: "And for the love of all things that sparkle, remove your last name" on BOTB.
  • The diaper sprayer does sound great, but if you're money conscious, buy a pack of diaper liners to see how squeamish you actually are.

    When I use the liners, it's definitely nice, but I keep a plastic knife in a plastic container in the bathroom and just use that.

    Or, as I discovered last weekend while traveling, I roll some toilet paper around my hand, scrape it off into the toilet and wash my hands afterward. Seeing as how I have to pick up after my dog this way, it's making all kinds of sense and I'm not bothered by it.

    If I decide it's too much work, I can always buy the sprayer later.


  • Thanks for the input - I think I will probably try without and see how it goes since I can always get one if it becomes a huge hassle. I figure that's $50 I could spend on something else (aka more diapers) if it's NBD to do without. 

  • I made my own, I followed this guys tutorial.

    sorry no clicky. It has pretty good pressure and is was much cheaper.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I found one for about $25 at home depot that hooks up to the showerhead.  It has a quick disconnect so in a second you can switch from showerhead to sprayer and back.  And if it does leak, it's into the tub, no risk of leaking all over the floor.
  • After 1.5 years, DS's poops are still probably 50% non-ploppable. I have a spatula and it works great. I've never seen the need for a sprayer.

    As for when you know... TMI, but I knew when I started finding chunks of food in the washer Smile

    Mommy to DD1 (June 2007), DS (January 2010), DD2 (July 2012), and The Next One (EDD 3/31/2015)

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