I have always been against nns. Not for othe peoples kids. I think nns are fine just don't want my kids to go by one unless they choose to. Not because thats is what they have been called since birth. We do call Kaydance Kay Kay when we play around And when she was a baby I called her baby Kay a lot when holding her or trying to calm her etc. Same thing with Kennedy. We call her Kenny when playing around the house and she was Kenny baby/girl in the same way Kaydance was baby Kay. Anytime out of the house it has always been their full name or when we call for them.
My grandmother has shared our boy name (top choice as of now. Could change) with her sister a few friends and church ladies. They have all asked her if we will be calling him Andy. Um no. If we name him Anderson that is what we wil call him. I we wanted to call him Andy we would name him Andy.
Ugh! I havent really shared the name with anyone other than my close family and mil. She started listing off boy names and also asked if he would go by Andy.
Is this people's way of saying they don't like the name Anderson? Or are people son caught up in giving nns to every name possible?
We did t have this before because Landon and Kennedy really can't be given a nn and no one really asked about Kay for Kaydance.
Re: WTF does Anderson = Andy?
I think it's a legitimate question. Many Andrews go by Andy, so it's a fairly natural leap that an Anderson might do the same.
Also, they were just asking, not insisting. Just say, "no, we don't plan on using a nickname for Anderson." You're over-thinking it.
I don't know these people but they're probably just curious. I think that's a fair question for them to ask. I would just say "no" I want to call him Anderson and hopefully they'll leave it alone.
I asked my SIL the same thing when she named DD Lillian. Are you going to call her Lily? She wasn't defensive she just answered yes or no. I wasn't trying to be rude or insinuate anything by my question.
I know I'm just being hormonal. Lol. I just can't stand how people always assume you will use a nn. It will probably get worse too because we plan to use Jarrett as a mn. I will probably be asked if we are going to call him Andy or AJ. I will have tobaay nope just Anderson a million times. My mil did say she would call him AJ. Ugh! I told her we aren't setting the name in stone and don't even know if it's a boy and that AJ is not his name if we do go with Anderson Jarrett.
Landon * Kaydance * Kennedy
5/13/05 ******5/24/06
* Baby is due July 24 2012 *
This. I don't think they are criticizing your choice, just asking a natural question. If you've shortened Kaydence to Kay on a couple occassions, it might make sense if you did that with other children. And to the pp who said, "Anderson is adorable and I can't understand where Andy comes from either." -- Really?? Because Anderson starts with And, just like Andrew - it's a pretty natural nickname.
This. The one Anderson I know goes by Andy.
And they may well be wondering where you're getting Anderson from if it's not a family name. Is it?
Call me crazy, but I think this is a perfectly legit question and I don't think that it has anything to do with people not liking the name. Andy seems like a very natural nickname for Anderson.
I have a nephew, Andersen!
My sister got the same thing from people after he was born. People are dumb with their thoughtless comments!
Mom to Lily Gayle 4.25.06 Charlotte Kathleen 3.27.09 Samuel Thomas ~8.4.12~
I totally get it! I know it's a 'legitimate' question, but it's still nosey and becomes annoying after a while. People would as me if I was going to call my Charlotte "Char" or "Charlie" all.the.time. No! Her name is Charlotte. If I wanted to call her Char or Charlie, that's what I'd have named her!
Mom to Lily Gayle 4.25.06 Charlotte Kathleen 3.27.09 Samuel Thomas ~8.4.12~
You get annoyed by trivial things.
We are going to call my daughter Betty, but her name is Elizabeth. Lots of people do have nicknames even if your daughter doesn't. I don't think people are "dumb" or "thoughtless" just for asking you about it.
Nah, not really. It's kinda like when you're 9 months pregnant and you get asked the same questions over and over. "When are you due?" "How many children do you have?" "Is it a boy or girl?" Etc. Of course, people are just being interested but come on...you have to admit it gets a teensy bit annoying after a while. No?
Mom to Lily Gayle 4.25.06 Charlotte Kathleen 3.27.09 Samuel Thomas ~8.4.12~
Mom to Lily Gayle 4.25.06 Charlotte Kathleen 3.27.09 Samuel Thomas ~8.4.12~
Double That would be like getting all butt hurt when people ask if you are going to call baby Robert, Bob, Bobby or Rob. I have some cousins that are like you, if you call their kid with a 15 syllable name something shorter, the flip the eff out. Even if you don't give him a nn, his school friends will.
Not really no. I think it's nice when people are interested in my pregnancy. Maybe it's just me.
Well, double to you. For goodness sake! I'm just letting the poor poster know that I get where she's coming from. I didn't say that I flip out when people try to shorten a kid's name, just that it *can* get annoying to be asked about it over and over again. Apparently...I am in the minority! Ha! And that's ok with me. We all have our quirks, right?
Mom to Lily Gayle 4.25.06 Charlotte Kathleen 3.27.09 Samuel Thomas ~8.4.12~
Exactly this.
If we have a boy again we plan on naming him Anderson and calling him Andy. It's not like they're asking you if you plan on calling him Chuck...something totally off base! Andy is a nn for Anderson and, like it or not, chances are someone at some point in his life WILL call him Andy! Just a heads up......
You're totally overanalyzing this.
Anderson is a long name. Long names are given to nicknames. Andy is a natural jump from Anderson.
I'm sorry if this is news to you.
PAL/PGAL Welcome
I like the name Anderson, too, but the reality is that people will call him Andy and that was enough for me to cross it off my list.
People just like to give nn's. There's not much more to it.
BFP #2 - 3/2/13 * DS1 - BORN ON EDD - 11/13/13
BFP #3 - 11/7/14 * DS2 - BORN ON EDD - 07/21/15
Just call him Anderson and correct people who call him Andy. They'll get it .
Honestly, I adore the name Anderson but would shy away from it because of the natural nn "Andy". I have a really bad connontation to Andy and having my child called that isn't an option. So I will likely stay away from it.
Married 6/28/03
Kate ~ 7/3/09 *** Connor ~ 11/11/10
4 miscarriages: 2007, 2009, 2013, 2014
No more TTC for us. We are done, and at peace, as a family of 4.
"Suffering has been stronger than all other teaching, and has taught me to understand what your heart used to be. I have been bent and broken, but – I hope – into a better shape.” — Charles Dickens
This. If your kid's name is longer than 2 syllables, it will get shortened by people. You can only call him by his full name, but after that, it's out of your control. Heck, he may even decide he wants to be Andy when he's older.
Landon * Kaydance * Kennedy
5/13/05 ******5/24/06
* Baby is due July 24 2012 *
My son is Andrew and we just call him Andrew. Sometimes his Great Grandpa calls him Andy. I don't get my panties in a bunch over it and I recommend you don't either.
And it's not like the leap from Anderson to Andy is all that big... it's not like she's calling him Bobby or something. Relax.
Ditto. If asking if he's going to be called Andy is "thoughtless," I'd love to visit the world of puppies and rainbows you inhabit.
When I named my son Wesley, people always asked if I was gonna call him Wes. I would just say, "no" or "I don't like Wes". They got it and no one was offended or anything. What did suprise me a couple times though, was when someone would then ask if I was gonna call him Lee, then. Since I didn't like Wes. I gave the same answer.
Now I don't even have to say anything to anyone. My son will correct them all on his own. They ask his name. He says Wesley. They proceed to call him Wes and he immediately says (usually with a raised voice), "my name is Wesley!" I just smile.
This is exactly my point. The child says I'm Wesley. Wtf would you then call him something else? Yeah it is part of his name but he said his name is Wesley which means that is what he wants you to call him.
Landon * Kaydance * Kennedy
5/13/05 ******5/24/06
* Baby is due July 24 2012 *
I just want to give you a world as beautiful as you are to me.
This situation is completely different from yours though. No one just randomly started calling your son Andy. They merely asked if you were going to use it as a nickname. I think you are having a big overreaction to an innocent question.
My son's name is Anderson. It's a family surname and means a lot to us. I will never call him Andy. I fully realize in school, he may choose to go by Andy ... but he's Anderson at home. DH is a Jonathan who has never been called Jon, so I don't think it's that unrealistic to expect to only use his full name.
ETA: that said, when we shared his name (after birth) with people who aren't related to me and don't get the significance, we were often asked "oh, will you call him Andy?" A simple no sufficed. I wouldn't sweat it too much.
(read it. you know you want to.)
anderson . september 2008
vivian . february 2010
mabel . august 2012
I think it is an ok question - yes, people want to give everyone a NN, but Andy could be a NN for Anderson and so they are curious.
If you want to call him Anderson, you would just call him that always in front of everyone and correct others if they call him Andy.