Upstate NY Babies

Nasty cold

I feel like anytime I take R someplace, he gets sick.....I am investing in a bubble for the rest of winter!

He got over croup but now has a nasty cold. He sleeps great at night, without a peep. He wakes up and his nose is all gross and he is coughing like mad. Ugh, poor baby! I am glad he/I gets a good rest at night, but I wish the cold would just go away!

I have 4 empty HUGE tissue boxes in the recycle bin just from this week! lol Need a BJ's run for more!

I wish we would get a good freeze to help end all these illnesses.....this board has too many sick babies!

Re: Nasty cold

  • i'm in that boat too...L went to his doc for a well visit and now he's coughing up a storm and X just started coughing too...


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  • Yes! This weather has been great but awful for kids being sick. It stinks b/c J wasn't sick, not even the sniffles until he was like 14mths old. Now he brings home all kinds of cooties from school, Wkids, playdates, the movies etc... and the babies are sick every other week.
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  • I was just saying to DH this morning that I can not believe we are out of tissues, AGAIN! We have gone through 3 or 4 boxes in the last week. We all have cold/sinus stuff going on. Evan had a fever all last week and is now still battling the cold/cough part. Plus he has been eating like a bird... animal crackers, toast, some grapes and applesauce is all that he seems to want.
  • Thomas, Rosie, my mom and I all got it, it is a nasty cold. I'm actually still congested, my sinuses are killing me.  My pediatrician and her physician assistant also had it, they said it's really going around right now.

  • DH is the only healthy one here!  I've spent the last two nights sleeping propped up on pillows while holding Riley because its the only way she'll sleep.  Poor girl is a congested, snotty mess.
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