I feel like anytime I take R someplace, he gets sick.....I am investing in a bubble for the rest of winter!
He got over croup but now has a nasty cold. He sleeps great at night, without a peep. He wakes up and his nose is all gross and he is coughing like mad. Ugh, poor baby! I am glad he/I gets a good rest at night, but I wish the cold would just go away!
I have 4 empty HUGE tissue boxes in the recycle bin just from this week! lol Need a BJ's run for more!
I wish we would get a good freeze to help end all these illnesses.....this board has too many sick babies!
Re: Nasty cold
i'm in that boat too...L went to his doc for a well visit and now he's coughing up a storm and X just started coughing too...
Thomas, Rosie, my mom and I all got it, it is a nasty cold. I'm actually still congested, my sinuses are killing me. My pediatrician and her physician assistant also had it, they said it's really going around right now.