
Crap, DD's outfit for our pictures doesn't fit

I ordered this dress


 and these shoes

for our pictures this weekend. The shoes seem to be at least two sizes to large (even though I printed off their foot chart and measured DD's foot before ordering) and the dress fits pretty well but the sleeves are horrendously long. :(

I can maybe find some different brown shoes at Target but there's no way I can exchange the dress in time and she doesn't have much else that I would be happy with her wearing for the photos. 

Should I just roll the sleeves up?? Ugh.

Mom to DD#1 December '06, DD#2 Feb '09 and DS March '12

Re: Crap, DD's outfit for our pictures doesn't fit

  • Roll the sleeves up, it will be fine.  You could maybe even try washing it first to see if they'll shorten up a bit.

    Good choice on the outfit! Wink

  • Could you fold the sleeves inward so it doesn't have a big roll for the picture?

    Cute dress.

    Audrey Elizabeth 11-11-06 image
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  • I ordered those same shoes for DD's pic a couple of months back and they sent me a 9 rather than a 6.

    Target has some great marry janes fro 9.99, we love them and they come in brown and black. I think they would go better with that dress.

  • Hey, joseys! I usually wash all of her clothes before she wears them anyway, so I will give that a shot and maybe dry it a little longer than I normally would.

    And yes - ideally, I would roll them up underneath so there is a big roll on each arm. 

    Mom to DD#1 December '06, DD#2 Feb '09 and DS March '12
  • Depending on how long the sleeves actually are, I actually don't think it will look terrible with them rolled on the outside even.

    It looks like we're going to have nice weather this weekend!  If we do, my prayers will have been answered, considering the freaking wind last weekend.

  • Yes, it's supposed to be beautiful - I'm so glad! Good weather for trick-or-treating, pictures, the whole works. Love it!
    Mom to DD#1 December '06, DD#2 Feb '09 and DS March '12
  • that dress is ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE.... could you maybe just kind of push the sleeve up??? if not then i'd think rolling would be the best bet...
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