Baby Names

Last Name as a Middle Name?

WDYT about this practice? DH's name is Dewey, DS is Dominic, so we're looking for a D name for DS #2...Right now the front runner is Dylan Spicer Sines. Spicer is DH's mom's maiden name, not so weird as to be embarrassing, and I think it sounds kinda cool...THoughts?
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Re: Last Name as a Middle Name?

  • I agree, definantly a cool name! Fun to say 'Dylan Spicer Sines"
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  • I think it's cool. I have a few good last names in my family that would work well as middle names, so I think this is what we're planning to do if we have lots of boys as well. 

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  • It's actually a tradition in my family to use the mother's maiden name as the son's middle name. We're not doing it because my maiden name makes a weird middle name, but I think it works in your case!
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  • Sable's MN is Rene', my mom's maiden name (which explains why it's spelled the boy way)

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  • I think it is great if the last name flows well. In your case it works. My brother actually has our grandmother's maiden name, and our mother's maiden name as middle names. 
  • My daughter has my maiden name as a middle name. It's neither cool or pretty, but I love it. Yours works nicely. I say go for it.
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  • I would definitely do it if the name works. I know someone that used their maiden name (Forrest) as their son's MN. Then I also know someone that used their maiden name (Hayden) as their daughter's first name.
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  • I love it.  Our third (phantom) child will have my mom's maiden name as his/her middle name.
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  • I like it. If the name works, I say go for it. None of our family names would work :(
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  • Do it!!  Adorable.

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  • That is the standard practice in my family (to use a family name - typically a last name or maiden name - as a child's middle name).  I love it, and I think Spicer is really cool!
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  • Spicer is an awesome middle name! Dylan is nice too other names are Donovan, Dalton, Derek
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