My son is 21 months and is still sleeping in the crib. We have purchased a toddler bed for him now that DS #2 will be here next week. However, we have not transitioned him into the toddler bed. Any tricks or advice on what has worked for you? I was hoping to have DS1 in the toddler bed by April when he turns 2 and move DS2 from the bassinet to the crib.
Am I too optimistic? I haven't even thought of how well they will sleep in the same room but I hope it works out!!
Re: Advice for both boys in the same room?
We left DS#1 in his crib for as long as we could. When DS#2 out grew the bassinet, we moved him into a pack n play into DS#1's room. It wasn't until DS#2 out grew the pack n play, did we move DS#1 into a toddler bed.
So now DS#1 is in a toddler bed, and DS#2 is in the crib, in the same room together.
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