
question about symptom

Hi ladies,

 I am about 7.5 weeks along with triplets. For about the past week I have been having a heavy sore feeling in my lower stomach, like I have done a bunch of situps, is this normal? Also, the past couple days I have been having random sharp pains in each breast, lasts for a quick second and then is gone, does this sound normal?? Thanks:)

Re: question about symptom

  • I had similar symptoms around 9 or 10 weeks.  My doctor said it was normal but if you're worried about call your dr. for some reassurance!  GL!
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  • I just had the heavy sore feeling this weekend and went to the doctor yesterday because I was also having sharp pains in my cervix. She said everything is normal and that we will measure much farther ahead than a singleton pregnancy and that puts a lot of stress on our bodies much quicker so we don't have as much time to adjust. I am measuring at 25 weeks, which is 2 months ahead already! She told me to invest a good belly support band and that will help with the pressure on my cervix and back. I hope this helps a little!
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  • I had the breast pains and achiness throughout my first trimester, haven?t felt it in weeks now. It?s perfectly normal, breast-milk related. The did-I-just-do-100-situps-yesterday? feeling has followed me throughout my pregnancy and probably won?t go away. It?s just that area stretching and loosening for the baby. No worries!
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